Sorry to hear about your lovely landscape. Yes it works on cats as well as deer. Though I don't have deer I do have feral cats that decide to have yard fights. The motion detector can be adjusted for small animals so it should keep those pesky bunnies at bay. Hope they continue to stay away. I know your yard must be beautiful. And I think I did it twice because I forgot what your natural remedies were. Hope you don't see them too often. Secure the spray canister when you are not using it to prevent an accidental discharge. I think it will really help me. If you can hear the trigger click, you have successfully aligned your scarecrow. Good luck defending your garden. Bear spray should spray in a cloud/cone pattern and have an absolute minimum range of 16 feet, 25 feet is preferred. I hung this near my tomato plants, and when combined with the chili powder, I have not had any nibbles. Which has prompted passers-by to ask what keeps the doe eyed buggers out of my garden. You certainly made a fantastic lens I enjoyed reading anyway. Mob aptly describes my crew of daily visitors. This could work if there aren't clever, thieving creatures around. Really informative lens. I sprinkled some around my plants and even on the leaves. @Klaartje Loose: No you don't have to worry about that, do you? Biology. The mechanism violently shakes when spraying, causing it to shift position if not secured properly. Look for sprays that come with a fast-drawing belt clip or chest holster in case a bears pops up when you least expect it. Check out the Deer Cop deer deterrent system, the most effective deer deterrent on the market today!! This is a really simple device. If you aren’t comfortable using ammonia, … @ElsieNew: thanks very much for this tip. Isn't it crazy how they love those Knockout roses, thorns and all? Strain the mixture into a spray bottle, and spray on plants and on the perimeters of your yard or garden. Recipes for Homemade Deer Repellent Spray. Kathryn Grace from San Francisco on July 25, 2014: Yes, I did, and your question makes me chuckle, so thanks for the laugh. As an unwilling host to cute, yet destructive, deer for the past year, I've learned which repellent methods work and which don't. The unit comes with an attachable scarecrow decal. In exchange for referring sales, we may receive a small commission through affiliate links. There are many lovely flowers deer dislike - helps keep the frustration level down. It's also a good idea to keep the wire and wood spaced 8 inches apart. Irish Spring soap smells really nice, and some creatures must think so too because many of the bars I set out were clawed and gnawed at. A quick wash with a hose cleaned it out. This helps the mixture stick to the plants. @JLovasz: ah, an electric fence. Thanks for visiting. These may be enough to keep them away from your yard forever. Hold spray canister firmly with both hands and aim directly between you and the potential path of the oncoming bear. Judith Nazarewicz from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on February 06, 2013: Wow really great lens! The longer, the better. You can easily clean this off the sensor eye to ensure correct performance. Very nice lens. I might even say that I am jealous of you. I must say, nice way of presenting a lens. A great read, but not too many deer (actually none!) Begin these deterrent methods in early March when deer begin forming their feeding patterns. Capsaicin … Before turning the water on, walk across the area you plan to protect. If using a spray, spray in the early morning after morning dew. Can be purchased with belt or chest holster and a practice spray. But be warned that they do smell and taste awful, so wash your fruits and vegetables carefully (in vinegar) if they've been treated with deer repellent. There is one significant prohibition with bear spray - it is not allowed on a plane. Most experts recommend carrying bear spray when recreating in areas where bears or other potentially dangerous wildlife may be present. Perhaps the coyote urine will do the trick. Unfortunately you've had to become an expert at this, I see. Good job. Awesome the pics. The capsaicin and related capsaicinoids (CRC) are essential when comparing the strength of a spray. I got DEER OUT which is dried coyote urine and sprinkled it around the periphery of the garden and I have never had trouble with deer or raccoons eating any of my corn or other vegies. Clefthoof fat can be used in a ritual with a gronn's eyeball and a few roc beaks to be granted visions of the spirit world.. Their hides can be crafted into armor, and the Warsong clan have long hunted the bloodhoof clefthoof to use their crimson-hued skin for battle standards. Good luck with your tomato plants. thanks. I went a step further and planted some hot peppers around the perimeter. I've noticed it's best to use a variety to keep the deer guessing. Thanks for sharing how to make sure our gardens stay beautiful! My garden spot is in an area where the deer cross over almost daily. STEP 3: Spray in spurts of 1 to 2 seconds. Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) is a naturally occurring oily extract from plants in the genus Capsicum which include the cayenne pepper. I'll be over for one of those lattes. They have a "patented design that triggers the flight response in deer" and is supposedly odorless to humans. The 7.9 ounce can empties in 4 seconds so you can hit the bear hard once or twice before you run out. Tip: Have the fence slant outwards at a 45-degree angle. Thanks! It determines how much deterrent you can spray at one time. Yell, talk loudly. One problem I can think of though is how do I or others avoid being sprayed too when walking in the area being protected? Be sure to bear bag or bear canister all food and scented items. This is a great added measure to scare them off but check with your county to see if electric fences are allowed. Bear spray is exceptionally effective against bears, even more so than firearms. I know people that do and I think they have tried some of these solutions you have shown. chili powder should certainly work, great tips. It looks horrid, but I just love to feed the birds! This motion-sensor water sprinkler works great night and day. My problem with my plant is Armadillos, they nibble and pull plants from the roots. Deer can jump over very tall fences, but they are unable to cover much distance. You handled them well. That's why you need to switch off frequently. Using bold and blatant tactics, I have attempted to convey that they have overstayed their welcome. @Christine Dever: yes, you can use it for a small garden and for small critters. The longer spray duration will give you more room for error and could potentially save your life. They sure enjoyed a delicious meal in your backyard. I'm thinking of moving into a more deer infested area and I'm worried I won't be able to keep a beautiful garden! Carol Fisher from Warminster, Wiltshire, UK on February 08, 2013: While I sympathise with your problem, you made me laugh particularly with the reminder to make sure the spray nozzle is pointing in the right direction. Wonderful article and well deserved LOTD & purple star too. The pungent smell of ammonia will keep squirrels at bay. Great lens! I love that. 4. Deer don't like to eat smelly plants, and mint appears to be one of their least favorite, so I plant them around the perimeter of my garden. The higher the CRC percentage, the stronger the spray. Pour into a container with a lid, and let it sit outside for several days to ferment. A guide to backpacking with bear spray and mace, how to use bear spray, and best models. I shared your lens to day on our Facebook page. Deer who were completely undeterred by our seven dogs, bucks dropping the occasional antler on the lawn like a gauntlet. thanks for coming by. Shame the deer are so destructive though, as they are SO beautiful! Research has shown that spraying close-up will reduce the severity of an attack. I don't like to recommend mothballs due to their toxicity, but if you are extra careful they could help your situation. Great information. The team discovered that pepper spray for dogs was able to send a bear running away into the corner. Warning: Handle the peppers very carefully—they are extremely spicy. And should it work for a vegetable garden as well as a flower garden? Perhaps because it works! We have pretty good luck with Deer Scram but it requires frequent reapplying and it gets rather expensive. If you want to keep deer away from your garden, avoid planting the following: This deer looks like he's determined to jump the fence. Sprinkle the hair around your plants. You should spray downward and ahead of the bear, so it has to run through the cloud of pepper spray. Excellent lens and I can pinch some of your ideas for my own garden pests - especially the scarecrow sprinkler. Yes, I did. . Most bear spray cans include a safety tab, so you don't accidentally discharge the spray while hiking. If you are interested in planting deer repellent flowers, there are flowering shrubs that deers hate as well as bulbs that they won't eat. is dedicated to them. A team of researchers from the University of Montana tested a variety of chemical, audible and physical deterrents on captive grizzlies. It ships with a nylon holster with a belt loop. You did a lot of research and in the end were successful in having your deer guests leave! This recipe is courtesy of North Dakota State University horticulturist Ron Smith. The scarecrow is on a plastic stake. You can try hanging up CDs to create reflection and suspend pots and pans on strings to make clanging noises. Thanks for stopping by Jim. Cynthia Haltom from Diamondhead on May 26, 2013: The deer in my neighborhood are so tame they will just lay down in the middle of the street or on the lawn and take a snooze during the day. Thanks for your gardening advice and tips. Scare crow goes off and the deer don't seem to mind it too much. Bear spray is not meant to scare away a bear in the distance. In this guide, we will show you how to use bear spray effectively, step by step. I'm learning how to make mine better. It's so very appropriate. Last year I had a problem, and before I could remedy it, my tomato plants were decimated. Thanks for the great lens! Thanks for sharing. The scarecrow sounds like the perfect remedy! Frontiersman is known for delivering a wicked blast of 2% pepper spray right when you need it. in our town. The most effective natural, homemade deer deterrent is a spray made of putrid smells, namely eggs, garlic, and chili peppers. Some methods worked while others did not. @justramblin: Hi again justramblin! You can spray dog urine in your garden or leave mesh bags stuffed with dog hair around the yard. I don't have the deer problem in my area. That's why you don't want to find yourself too close to one, especially if the bear has cubs or is foraging for food. Have to figure how to keep them at bay otherwise there will not be much there to look at this season. This is a really great lens. Always check your unit for leaks. I Pinned it so I can refer back to it if needed!!!! This will protect most likely 2 or 3 sides of your square garden, depending on how large your garden is. It shoots a pulse of water for three seconds and repeats after eight seconds if the target is still in the area. My garden smells freshly washed, but the deer didn't seem to mind. If you are flying to your destination, plan on purchasing your spray when you arrive and shipping it back home. This lens is cute, funny, and helpful. I'll be passing it along to my stepson who has deer problems. Spray bottle and concentrate lasted one season. Now I have many colourful birds, but they seem to be skinning their sunflower seed hearts (they won't eat them with the shells on, and I thought sunflower seed hearts with no shells would be clean and tidy - how wrong can you get! ) @KathyFirak: Thanks for coming over for a visit Kathy. It is a last resort option when a bear is charging towards, or is very close to you. Self-defense pepper spray shoots a narrow 10 to 20 foot stream that is used in close quarters to target an attacker's face. Loved your photos! Rotate them often to confuse and confound. Spray every few weeks and after a rain. :( Such a relief, to find a remedy that works! Please save any remaining repellent in a jar, and wash out the bottle after each use because the nozzle will get clogged if not washed properly. By the way, I love wildlife in my garden and one of my lenses (I have only two!) Bonide (BND692150) - Molemax Mole & Vole Burrowing Animal Repellent, Rodent Repellent Granules (10 lb.) It has a range of up to 30-feet and sprays slower than the competitors, delivering a widely dispersed cloud of 2% spray. Wow I really loved this lens, I did not realize Bambi could be such a pain hahaha,We don't see this in the UK so thank you for sharing,They are so cute but i can understand how they could out stay their welcome. Deer won’t eat anything I sprayed and it is safe for people and pets. Since the water pressure is always on, this was not a good development. Please let me know if you have any other questions. ;0). You can do this easily by turning the water off and walking by the activation path. I found remnants scattered about. Fortunately we don't have the deer problem here at the beach, then again.... not having a garden may why we don't have this problem. Thanks for the fun story and for the great way to keep the deer mobs away from the salad greens. These sprays are made of all the vilest smelling ingredients imaginable. Help! Even thought the deer can ruin your garden, they are very pretty intruders! Another significant difference between bear and self-defense spray is spray distance and spread. I chose not to use mine because I liked the plain look better. Useful lens, and a good read to boot. I have not seen any lately. ), ate my Hydrangea bush to a nub, ate every leaf on a newly planted Knockout Rose Bush ($40), not to mention the Cyclamen in the planter in the front yard. My battery lasts for about two months. You should hear the clicking of the device if the battery is still operational. I know they've tried practically everything, but I'm not sure they've seen the motion-activated water gizmo, so I'm passing this along. Never get in between a momma bear and its cub. Try these low-tech and common inexpensive home remedies to keep deer out of your garden. This item izbie Z1 Solar Animal Repeller - Squirrel Repellent, Cat Deterrent… Eggs contain sulfur compounds, and when they decompose, they release a putrid gas called hydrogen sulfide. Providing store bought feeds to wildlife tampers with the delicate ecological balance in nature. @jknake lm: I like using the homemade sprays too since the store bought ones are so expensive. Deer see dogs as predators, so the mere smell of a dog is enough of a threat to keep deer far away from your garden. I mean, open the front door and there they sit as if we are disturbing their turn at the breakfast bar. Havahart Critter Ridder 32 oz. Wow, you are so lucky to have the deer on your backyard (minus the nuisance). This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. I recommend hanging the light in a different spot every few days, too. I would suggest you first place the scarecrow at a distance of about 15 to 20 feet away from your square garden and directed towards the garden to protect the entire area. The scent of blood is thought to signal danger is near and send the deer away, but it will also attract carrion-eating birds—I can confirm this. I like the idea of the motion detector spray. Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) is an active component of chili peppers, which are plants belonging to the genus Capsicum.It is a chemical irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact. Hang unwrapped bars of this strongly scented soap in mesh bags. I love animals. Loved how you told a story of the deer family. 3. We use one down by our lake to keep the geese away, which is another problem just as bad as the deer! This keeps the plastic intact. and spitting out the skins on the floor! A bear spray that has a capsaicin (pepper) content between 1.3 and 2 percent can be an effective deterrent … You most definitely will get hit with a jet of water when you're first setting it up. They're so adorable but they cause so much trouble. Shoo deer! I like your gentle approach. Thank you for responding to my plea. Question, was there a particular combination you used that faired better than others? Therefore, conserve your spray until absolutely necessary. Say whaaat? Uses little water. When people used bear spray in an aggressive encounter, only 2 percent were injured, and their injuries were minor. @Northerntrials: It's great to hear it works on your pesky cat visitors. You may want to anchor your scarecrow with a stake. Really entertaining to read as well as encouraging. Great lens, wonderful pictures. In order to ward off the whole family, I end up bathing the plants in the smelly solution; this covers the plants in unsightly blotches of white when dried. They are incorrigible! I thought it would be overkill for my small garden, here, since we don't get deer, but after reading this, I think I will dig it out and set it up to see if I can get that rabbit, who seems to be getting more bold (and closer to the house) every night, to back off! Bear spray is strongly recommended in remote areas like Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, and Grand Teton National Park. Again, stay calm and know that it is only temporary. Deer can and will jump over fences shorter than 10 feet. Sorry it took a lot of trying on your part. There is a control to switch on the ScareCrow for small or large animals so those cute little bunnies will have to find another veggie patch to munch on. Wanted to really keep my vegetable garden organic. Keep in mind that electric fencing is an expensive option and isn't needed if you only have a few deer roaming through the area. :-). The theory behind this method is that if the deer are afraid of humans, the scent might repel them. Shed clefthoof … And they don't remember from one night to the next. Attract them or repulse them, but naturally. If you don't alternate, it seems they grow accustom to the taste and smell and eventually start nibbling. @suepogson: Thanks so much for stopping by and for your nice comments. deer=7 human=0, Thanks for the info! Below are inexpensive products that deter deer. I may have got an unsuspecting deer with one as it was knocked down. @LadyDuck: Oh NO! The 1.34% total capsaicinoid formula reaches up to 20-feet and can be fired in one big blast or nine short one-second bursts. Others have commented that many people have mistaken their strobe light for an advanced security system, so it could also serve as an inexpensive theft deterrent. Yeah! I'm sorry to hear about this wide-spread destruction while you were awa, especially your lovely blueberries. Rodent Sheriff Pest Control - Ultra-Pure Peppermint Spray ... - Alarm And Strong LED Flashing Lights To Scare Wild Animals. It takes a few tries to successfully adjust the sensor eye, and be prepared to get sprayed while trying. I haven't had to use the Scarecrow for armadillos, but it does work for small animals such as cats and bunnies so should keep armadillos at bay as well. It's good to rotate these sprays to keep them guessing. It empties its 9 ounces in a steady cloud that lasts 9 seconds. The 10-ounce canister lasts 9.2 seconds before emptying. @MamaWise LM: Hi MamaWise - yes it works well for rabbits. Look for sprays that last at least 4 seconds or more. Good luck with your garden! @anonymous: Yes, I was able to defend my garden without the ScareCrow for one whole summer, but it just took more work. It did not affect the deer, but it did bring crows to my garden. Can be connected to other ScareCrows to cover more area, Can detect an animal as far as 30 ft away, Can be used to ward off cats, dogs, bunnies, kangaroos, and even door-to-door salesmen. I suggest you try some of them first before investing too much money in other methods. I can imagine how frustrating a whole herd of deer must have left you feeling. He used the spray deer repellent...much too late. I am so happy to learn about the Scarecrow sprinkler! We used to have deer visiting our driveway and munching on the shrubs. I love to garden, but have never had problems with deer. Step 1: Point downward at 30 degree angle, Step 2: Aim in bear's path or directly at bear if charging, Step 3: Spray … Your pictures are so nice. Guard Alaska is the only EPA-approved bear spray effective against all bear species. The only downside to spraying dog urine is that it must be applied every few days and after it rains. Notice the white film on the exterior of the casing due to mineral buildup from the hard water. Great work ! Above is a photo of the unit disassembled and the sensor head unit. The motion detector does sense motion in a wide angle and can be adjusted to a narrow section as well. I bought a scarecrow sprinkler when we lived in the country but never had a chance to try it out before we had to move back to the city (husband's health problems). Deer seem to be frightened of anything new, so smelly sprays will work for a while, but determined munchers will return once the smell is familiar. Very informative and written in a down to earth way that is easy to follow. Hope you have some luck keeping them away. When I was a young cowboy, my grand dad would use the habenero peppers and do like you say, but I only remember the oil for it to stay where he sprayed it. They're like a mob of hungry teenagers, pillaging and plundering the fridge. I was thinking of using the habanero spray for my tomato plants as the deer have become quite infatuated with them and choose not to bother others. I don't currently have a garden, but several of my family and friends do and some of them have endless problems with deer. A winner for me! I don't have deer problems, just mostly rabbits. @Cynthia Haltom: Wow, that does sound like a problem.
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wild animal deterrent spray 2021