Father Peignot left the SSPX in 2014 to join the SSPX Resistance, where he continues to offer the sacraments. Last November Fr Pagliarani, # SSPX Superior General, wrote a letter to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Society. On the pretext of the crisis in the Church, must we resign ourselves to no longer trying to imitate the saints? So we must be realistic or pragmatic! JOSEPH PFEIFFER. Client States and Surrenders (Editorial) Ordinations Sermon 1978 (Abp. "In newly released audio, Cdl. Hewko released a public statement (in February 2019) regarding his necessary disassociation from OLMC Seminary/Fr. Mankind was of its champion bereaved. Traditional Catholics worldwide have made us the #1 forum for SSPX Resistance news and discussion in the English-speaking world. Tag Archives: sspx resistance. The priests and faithful who abandoned the Society to follow Williamson have dubbed themselves the “SSPX Resistance.” It’s a relatively small faction, and it represents the most noxious tendencies in the traditionalist movement, being dominated by anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists. SSPX Truth - Resistance. Please see the statements from Frs. But if Rome accepted to no longer make of Vatican II a super-dogma, it would already be a great victory of grace, and could allow us to imagine reestablishing a certain canonical connection. And if we are told that these “resisters” have been treated unfairly, we can suggest reading and meditating the lives of the saints and the great figures of the Church, who knew what the virtue of obedience is, and knew how to present their difficulties to their superiors without calling the entire planet to witness, on the pretext of saving the Faith, justice and truth. Almost 50 years of tremendous growth despite weaknesses, failures, opposition and set backs, Who was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? All of them strive to promote the Kingdom of Christ and the sanctification of the souls. Let them stop trying to impose upon us an unconditional acceptance of Vatican II as a condition. ; Communiqués; District Newsletter The latest news and events around parishes and schools. It is regrettable that one wants to call oneself a “bishop” when it should be the Church who does so. STATEMENT FROM FATHER HUGO RUIZ V.  REGARDING ‘CONSECRATION’ OF FR. Without any doubt, the conditions necessary for establishing a normal relationship are still far from being fulfilled, and there is still a real danger, it is true, in a canonical agreement without a doctrinal agreement first. Is it not utopic, for example, to imagine (and demand) that today’s Rome re-establish today the obligation to take the anti-Modernist oath, renew the condemnations proclaimed by Quanta Cura and the Syllabus, Pascendi, Humani Generis, or reaffirm the doctrine of Quas Primas on the kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Letter from the Superior General to Friends and Benefactors, n° 90, 02/02/2021 Headlines. … As longtime Catholic Family News readers will recall, Michael Voris and his Church Militant organization have long since harbored a profoundly negative bias against the SSPX, routinely referring to the Society as “ schismatic ” and strongly warning Catholics not to attend Masses offered by SSPX priests – even going so far as to claim that Catholics “ do not fulfill [their] Sunday and Holy Day … August 14. Please view our Mission Chapels page for details of these locations. MEDFORD, Ore. (ChurchMilitant.com) - The former head of the Vatican's highest court is saying the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is "in schism. Media/News Company. Superior General’s Letter Letters from the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X to the faithful centered around current events in the universal Church, the Society and around the world. Yes, “as far as the end is concerned, there is no limit to be respected,” but this limit must be respected “in all that is relative to the end, says Aristotle.” (St. Thomas Aquinas—IIa IIae, 184, 3) And it is prudence that inspires the choice of the means to be used to obtain this end. Once again, let us beg Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to crush the Church’s enemies. Michel Simoulin from the April issue of Le Seignadou (The Sign of God), newsletter of the SSPX's priory in Montreal de l'Aude, France. If such were the case, these authorities would no longer have the Faith and would no longer be formally Catholic, and to believe this would be implicitly sedevacantist. Pfeiffer’s use of the dubious Ambrose Moran for a conditional ordination. Latest News; About / Links; Contact Us; Recent Articles; Reference Materials; Resistance Mass Centres. Please keep all involved in your prayers. Read about the District development and exhortations from the superior himself They are looking for a perfect Church yet the Church has never been perfect as it is under assault from the enemy. In so doing, by the grace of God, the help of the Virgin Mary, of St. Joseph and St. Pius X, we are assured of remaining faithful to the Holy Roman and Catholic Church, to all the successors of Peter, and of remaining “fideles dispensatores mysteriorum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi in Spiritu Sancto.” Amen. JOSEPH PFEIFFER. An unofficial SSPX newsletter, fighting a guerilla war for the soul of Tradition! Must we let this crisis behead the hope in our hearts? The Sorrowful Heart of Mary Apostolate, SSPX- MarianCorps is currently serving mission chapels throughout the United States but also including Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand (sadly, contingent to travel restrictions as of 2020). Moreover, it is now time for the faithful to distance themselves from all contact with Father Pfeiffer. Visit the donation page! David Hewko and Fr. The only thing that we can hope for and ask for, it seems, is the freedom to discuss Vatican II. He is one of our proofs that the SSPX was considered by Rome as a true Religious society. As for the need to “agree on doctrinal questions first”, we all agree that it is an ideal that we desire with all our heart. April 33. We cleave, with all our heart and with all our soul, to Catholic Rome, the guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary for the maintenance of that Faith and to eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth. 2019 158. Urban was one of only 2 priests officially approved by Rome to be officially incardinated into SSPX (in 1972). Close submenu of Publications. January 20. NOVUS ORDO Insider. Image above: Archbishop Lefebvre leads the Credo Pilgrimage of 1975. All this will only contribute more to the already existing state of disorientation that exists today not only in the Church and Tradition but also in the so-called “Resistance”. Traditional Catholic l MCSPX-Marian Corps of St. Pius X. Catholic Church. He did not return to the General Chapter and he left with a simple suitcase. DAVID HEWKO, JULY 30, 2020, CONCERNING KENTUCKY CONSECRATION OF FR. The calling to serve God in a particular way to aid in His divine plan for the salvation of souls, How do you know if God is calling you to the priesthood? For there is a distinction to be made between an intention to destroy the Faith and an effect that was not directly wished for. Joseph Pfeiffer a bishop for the SSPX-resistance. Born of liberalism and modernism, this Reform is poisoned through and through. Religious Organization. The emergence of several splinter groups from the SSPX, known collectively as "The Resistance," who protested the SSPX's overtures toward reconciliation with … Absit. Indeed, when the shepherd is struck the sheep scatter! It is the ultimate goal of our resistance and of all our procedures. Letter to the friends and benefactors of the Society of Saint Pius X, n° 90 Steel Framework Begins on Immaculata Project in Saint Marys, KS New Issue of the Angelus Released for January / February on the Topic of Iconoclasm Confirmation Dates in the US District Released through May, 2021 Not one. Traditional Catholics worldwide have made us the #1 forum for SSPX Resistance news and discussion in the English-speaking world. The first answer is obviously: of course, the danger is great and real, we are all aware of this, and we have always said so and even insisted upon it. December 8. The condition of doctrinal discussions was added in 2001-2002 to the two other conditions decreed by Archbishop Lefebvre, when contact was renewed with Rome. June 2013 Conference. We must rather aspire to placing it in the hands of the Church, and therefore of the pope, as soon as possible. The SSPX confirmed that Father S and Father P were accused of sexual abuse when priests in the order, that canonical trials were held, and that both men later joined the SSPX Resistance. In these conditions, our children would no longer have any idea of what the real Church is in its full incarnation, from head to members, in all the realities of daily life. The Society of St. Pius X, a Work of the Church at the Service of the Truth. What does the SSPX want to achieve? When he left his congregation of the Holy Ghost Fathers who were falling apart, how many fathers did he call to follow him? Donate Online. Thu, 10/11/2018 - 21:51. LAB 90. See all events. Browse here for SSPX Mass Centers, schools and retreat houses all around the world! Joseph Pfeiffer by “Bishop” Neal Webster. A unique religious community within the Church, integrally promoting and preserving the treasures of Catholic tradition around the world, The supernatural goal of the Society is for the propagation of the priesthood and the salvation of souls, The structure of authority of the SSPX, the practical organization of the members into various divisions and its essential works, The history of the SSPX: a work of God's Providence. We have recently learned with great sadness that on July 29 Father Pfeiffer has proceeded to have himself consecrated “bishop” by the  Feeneyite  and sedevacantist “bishop” Neal Webster, who also belongs to the so-called Thuc line. May 11. Donations (6) Magazines (18) SSPX Resistance (23) Videos (0) Books (37) Audio (7) SSPX Resistance. We are not there yet, and that is why nothing has been done. And we will be able to face and conquer it only if we are able to unite our strengths instead of dividing them, to face it under the wise and prudent direction of the leaders God has given us. That being said, can we really consider this authority as working for the destruction of the Faith?
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