Love God and work to his purpose; 3. God's promises contain great power … they are what made men like Abraham leave their own land to go where they had never gone before, to enable men like David to hold steady when Saul was king knowing that God had already chosen David to be king instead, for Joseph to take Mary to himself as his wife in spite of how things looked in society with a pregnant fiancée, for Jesus to … now God blesses the giver so much so that the sack that they are holding is having grain poured into it up to the brim. Pastor E. Keith Hassell. So far we have looked at five letters – those to the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira and Sardis. Hold on to the promises God has given you, he is faithful to keep you in the faith! GOD'S WORD® Translation We must continue to hold firmly to our declaration of faith. When I realized I was powerless and my life was unmanageable, I decided to focus my eyes on Jesus and hold on to God’s promises. More is measured out and then it runs over the top and pours into the givers lap. I need God during this time of spiritual attack. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You can base your ministry on a variety of different factors, from your own cleverness to your own giftedness. We see this in Hebrews 10:23: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering; for He who promised is faithful.” I will begin the work. 1. None of God's declarations and promises will ever fail. God’s promises inspired Abraham’s faith and thus his endurance. Table of contents. However, Genesis 17:16 is not a promise we can claim for ourselves, as it was meant specifically for the Jewish patriarch. What a blessed promise. The one who made the promise is faithful. INTRODUCTION: 1. Not only must we see God, we must also seek His goodness. Background: The writer of Hebrews addressed believers of all backgrounds but especially Jewish believers who were beginning to reconsider their faith in Christ as a result of persecution and hardship that it brought in order to return to Judaism and the Old Testament. I began to experience a new freedom and hope that I never thought possible, even while Mac was in his darkest time of addiction. Podcasts; TV Networks; Support ; The Prophetic Life; Select Page. God will make good on His Promise. Something amazing happened as my life began to transform. God's promise of eternal life to believers; Subjet: STANDING ON THE PROMISES. And I will finish it. Hebrews 6:13-20. Hold On To Your Faith. I have overcome the world.” 3. In Sunday School lessons and church sermons, we have heard many of the amazing promises that God declared to the people of Israel, starting with the promise God made to Abram (later named Abraham): “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. We drift along, sometimes barely holding on to the hand of our Creator. Service Type: Midweek Service. Preacher: Mr. Moses Mensah. 3. God makes a promise already knowing His decreed future. He knows that it is as good as fulfilled. God’s promises assured Abraham in those years that he and Sarah were growing older and thus even less able to bear children. We use cookies to … God is saying, “I will do it all. Place your faith in Christ and confess your sins. God says to each one of us: “My presence with go with you, and I will give you rest. Back to top. If you have ever gone through some type of emotional, spiritual, or physical pain, then chances are you have asked or thought about this question. 3 And God permitting, we will do so. Do you ever feel like saying, “God, please just give me a little sign, some type of hope that things are going to change, something to hold on to?” Then you know how Habakkuk felt. He is a covenant-keeping God. Holding on to the Promises of God October 25, 2020. from the series Anchored. You have not messed up to bad, God can heal and restore the dead things! 6:1 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, 2 instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. A new series of messages will be given by my pastor at this Link over the next few weeks. Sermon Notes; Gematria Calculator; E-Courses; Daily Devos; Media. Until that day, faith bows before the mystery of what God has kept hidden, and faith stands on the promise that God has revealed. He made promises to every major leader in the Bible—such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel, and Paul. God wants us to hold fast to our hope and faith and to believe that He will make His promises happen. Sarah was crying out the words of Romans 8:30 with me, like a drowning woman holding on to a life preserver. Preacher: Mr. Moses Mensah | Series: 2015 Anaviosi « Holding onto the promises of God-3 Christ, our King of kings » Leave a comment Cancel reply. Hold On to Your Promise From God. let us hold fast the confession of our hope that it waver not; for he is faithful that promised: Good News Translation Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise. You cannot out give God but its fun to try. Please pray for me, my prayer has gone from many other requests to steadfastly, let your will be done in my life God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Holding Onto The Promises Of God. But we do hold on…and, praise His name, even more than that, He holds on to us. Today I want us to look at Philadelphia and Laodicea, Philadelphia this morning. Oh yes? We are looking at the seven letters to the seven churches found in Revelation 2 and 3. David knew where his help came from. The difference is this: Picture yourself hanging over the edge of a cliff with the rocks that you’re holding onto crumbling in your hands and under your feet. We have an enemy, the devil, that seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Having said that, hold on to the second half of this verse because we know that we don’t suffer alone: “…But take heart! Charles Spurgeon said: The sacred promises, though in themselves most sure and precious, are of no avail for the comfort and sustenance of the soul unless you grasp them by faith, plead them in prayer, expect them by hope, and receive them with gratitude . And God makes promises to you and me, too. Welcome to my favorite segment on the blog. Let go of the lies and empty promises of the world and take the hand of God. Then the grain is pressed down and more is poured in. If we want these promises to comfort, strengthen, and sustain us, we … I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will … With God first, earthly needs follow ; 2. God doesn't turn His back on His Word. Foundation Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25. Our God is the only one that can see us through the chaos of this messed up life. Primary Claim– Hold fast to the promises of God because they are sure. He has never let one of His children go; not one of them has ever been forsaken. :-) Today’s Bible Study was done on sunday(if you follow our blog facebook page, you’d have seen this already) Can I just say that I love how God makes me dig into His Word through things that happen to … HOLDING ON TO YOUR FAITH DURING DIFFICULT TIMES . Like Abraham, hold on to faith in Christ and trust him with all your heart. Jesus has paved the path towards fulfillment He is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I will perfect and complete what I have begun.” And when God promises that, God will do it. Hey there! Our #OnlineBibleStudy! The promise we can hold on to is that God Will Lead and Meet My Need. Consider the story of the Cross, the parting of the Red Sea, Daniel and the lion’s den, David vs. Goliath, and many more. Therein lies the possibility of our faithfulness to our confession – that God is faithful. God told Abraham he would have a son. We need to turn on our FOG lights and B (be … But God as the ever true, just creator, always keeps His promises to others and us. Series: 2015 Anaviosi. But that day has not yet come. by Kyp | Dec 28, 2016 | Uncategorized. Third, some promises are conditional. Then the bag is shaken so that even more can be added. The Bible says, “We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). The ultimate aim of God’s promises is to glorify Himself. Be careful about demanding that God must do something for you. Intro: New Year’s resolutions are promises that are more often broken than kept. We can’t just name it and claim it without worshipping the Name that is above all names and desiring that … I will continue it. He realized that God had spoken and behind that word spoken were all the resources in Heaven. Have you ever asked God the question: Why God are you allowing me or my loved ones to suffer like this? This is not in anyway an accusation that the Lord had … Today's sermon is about something similar – the need to hang on, to hold on. I can hear you say that it’s your favorite segment too. DKF Sermons STANDING ON THE PROMISES. And Habakkuk would tell you, when you have nothing to hold on to for the future, hold on to God, and that will be enough. HOLD ON TO GOD’S PROMISES. v49- "Remember the word to Your servant" Notice that the Psalmist calls on the Lord to remember the word. Believe in Him, therefore. Habakkuk says, trust God no matter what. When facing an uncertain future, here are three promises from God, three truths we can remember when our lives get crazy: The future might be uncertain, but God’s love isn’t. Hold onto promise like a wide receiver holding onto a football. We both exclaimed those precious promises out loud in the stark and sterile room, tears streaming down our faces: “And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified” (Romans 8:30). There are times when we stand in faith and call the Lord to remember. Text: 1 Kings 8:56: "Blessed be the Lord, that hath given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He promised: there hath … “Though I have no visible sign of hope for … a. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. GOD PROMISES ARE REMEMBERED IN HEAVEN. I’m grateful for the Sword of the Spirit. The Bible tells us that from the beginning of time until eternity, God's Word will never ever fail nor fall to the ground. 1. Our God is a promise-making God. A day is coming when faith will be turned to sight. We've done ESP-TS now it's … Today I’m holding onto psalm 91. Hold Tight To The Promises Of God. Holding onto the promises of God-4. We are People Persevering on a Promise. TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD. 13:5). As he sets his eyes on the goal line, he says within himself, “No matter what happens, I must not let go this football!” That’s how intently we must resolve to hold fast our confidence. # 10 - Promise of God’s … On that day we will know even as we are known. He held on because he was holding on to God. Scripture: 1 KINGS 8:54-56. Second, many promises are intended for all believers, such as God’s assurance that He’ll never leave us (Heb. Life is not fair! I know you by name.” And whilst your present experience may not mean that you can feel that, your history is proof of the fact that God’s promise is true and so you can trust his word for today and tomorrow. :)) Showers of … 2:27PM EST 12/27/2013 Karen Ramsey “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call Him Jesus. But God as the ever true, just, creator keeps His promises to others and us, always. Jesus loves you with an everlasting love, he has great plans for your life! This ought to be enough to make you want to fight. 2. We as human beings do not in ourselves have the power to keep our promises or covenants. The series will be on the book of Ruth which tells a story that begins where there is no hope with two women facing impossible odds but holding onto the promises of God. God’s promises were the reason why Abraham left his homeland and family and set out for a new country. #3: Believe that God Always Wins (Ex 11:9-10) God always wins, even when it seems like He will not. Yesterday Pastor Nathan from Toronto said “apply God’s promise to the problem.” Today you’re reminding me of how faithful God is when He makes promises. Our job, our relationship status, our popularity, our friends, they all might change moment to moment, and yet “the loyal, unfailing love of God is as vast as the heavens” (Psalm 36:5). … Read Psalm 23:1-6 and be encouraged. He will … He will.
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sermon on holding onto the promises of god 2021