As a full-round action, make an unarmed/special monk weapon attack at -2 which deals double damage. (This costs him 6 power points and 1d8 damage from use of Overchannel; his manifester level is not high enough to pay both the extra cost of a Quickened power and a +2 size enhancement.) Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a monk may select either Improved Grapple or Stunning Fist as a bonus feat. At this point the DM's head is beginning to swim, but Minagon's player begins by calculating his base monk damage: 11 (monk levels) + 5 (Psionic Fist Levels) + 5 (Monk's Belt) = Level 21. Adventurer 1: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter any more. Q: Does the divine minion template really let you qualify for Master of Many Forms? Eventually, the monk's base damage die will dwarf any bonuses to damage he or she might enjoy. Immunity to weapon damage from the combined abilities of the Zodar (Fiend Folio) and Snowflake Ooze (Monster Manual 3). Or the DM could reasonably rule that the Fists of Zuoken would not accept a Shintao monk or vice versa. This build uses the Monk (SRD), the Psionic Fist (SRD) and the Psychic Warrior (SRD), as well as the Fighter, Ranger and Psion classes (SRD), as well as the Drunken Master, Dervish and Warshaper prestige classes from Complete Warrior. At 6th level, she may select either Improved Disarm or Improved Trip as a bonus feat. Decisive Strike doubles the base damage, and also doubles the damage of any other unarmed strike made before the beginning the the next turn -- the Snap Kick feat adds one such attack, so at the cost of a -4 (or -3 after 5th level) penalty on all attacks, the monk can strike twice per round for double damage on each strike (extra attacks can also be added via buffs; a Hustle or Haste effect, for example). You cannot increase someone's strength beyond your own strength. Basically, both Pun-Pun and his familiar grant themselves Font of Power (Metamind prestige class). Whatever it is, we'll pull through. A monk need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them. There are several threads that delve further into the issue, though I don't have the links for them at the time. Yes, 20,010 is high, but it is even larger than that. 3 levels of monk does not qualify you for Psionic Fist. Pun-Pun grants himself the Wu-Jen spell Giant Size as a spell-like ability at-will. Grab a couple of colleagues in each paw, and up the wall you go! Originally, I created Pun-Pun just to be the strongest character known. Greater Psionic Fist which adds an extra 4d6 to your unarmed or natural attack damage, is another. Slow Fall (Ex): At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm’s reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. A prudent foe would ensure his power point reserves are exhausted before joining battle. 145 of the PHB impose a DC 15 Fortitude save to survival 50 points of damage or more. Power Link Quori shards allow the character to augment a power by 2 points (3/day). (I don't really think it is important, since anyone that defeats a 5th level kobold pre-ascencion isn't really accomplishing much, minus the Omniscificer.). This can be further enhanced with Psionic Meditation, allowing the character to regain focus as a move action (or even Psionic Meditation plus Heroic Focus (Eberron), allowing the character to regain his psionic focus as a swift action by spending an action point.). Adventurer 1: You don't run [displays ornately carved 3-inch sword] -- from the pixie ninja. This makes Pun-Pun a rank 1 demigod. These are his saving throws, skill checks, and attack rolls. Furthermore, these creatures can be given abilities based on any epic seed added which "replicates the desired ability." Thread starter Vitor Bastos; Start date ... use to get your Wis up to 20 and your spell DC up to 17 by level 9. Pun-Pun dismisses the spell effect on the familiar and it goes back down to tiny size. He demonstrates the limits that can be achieved within the rules as written and is not an actual PC Build for player use. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. Now, Pun-Pun gets his other scores to the same ridiculous height. The speed of the build is 30 (or the base speed of the altered form) + 50 (or +70 with a Monk's Belt) + 10 (Quick trait) = 90 (110) feat per round. But it gets the job done. These characters would still need Assume Supernatural Ability or Metamorphic Transfer to use the Manipulate Form ability. 'Out of the ordinary abilities' is referring to abilities that would normally be found as supernatural or spell-like but instead granted to Pun-Pun as extraordinary. If someone complains about orientation or line-of-sight, remember that the breaches are technically spherical, for 360 degree access/egress. You can avoid the Colossal Ultimate Monk's blowing through your encounters via the simple expedient of placing an important objective indoors. Complete planar breaches, unlike most planar travel effects, allow continuous travel at-will between planes at the center of the breach rather than instantaneous (i.e. They both have the Affinity Field and Synchronicity psi-like abilities. The monk's hit points and armor class, prior to psionic buffing, are (in most variants) only so-so. Feat choice, especially, is very campaign-dependent. Any statistic based off an ability score is therefore assumed to be NI (nigh infinite) or limitless. Whether these abilities are spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary is up to the creator of the spell. Pun-Pun dismisses his Giant Size effect, and he goes back to a small size with strength 36. His base damage, using the table above, is 12d8. Also bear in mind that the Ultimate Monk's power point reserve is generous (especially at the higher levels) but not infinite. The viper uses Manipulate Form to permanently increase Pun-Pun's strength to 100. Here is a list of abilities that he has (the list is nowhere near exhaustive): The list goes on and on. This lowers Pun-Pun to divine rank 0. Ectoplasmic Armor Quori shards give a +2 armor bonus. For the average tiny viper, that means his strength score went from 4 to 36. Among other feats ( ), the Omniscificer should be able to obtain the Manipulate Form ability at level 4. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion. This also involves actually meeting and killing a Sarruhk, so it is largely DM dependent. I am not giving this creature a bonus to his score, I am actually changing his strength score (permanently) to 20, as if he had started the game with a base strength score of 20. However, the wording in the Manipulate Form text does not limit one to published abilities only. Many of the monk's abilities require him to either have his psionic focus, or expend it. Basically, nothing is beyond the power of Pun-Pun, due to unrestrictive text in Manipulate Form. Immunity to Polymorph, Petrification, or any other form-altering attack, Energy Drain, Ability Damage/Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects, All Energy Damage, Disease, Poison, Stunning, Sleep, Paralysis, Death Effects, Disintegration, Imprisoning/Banishing effects, Divine Damage, Aging Effects. Pun-Pun uses the Manipulate Form ability to directly increase his familiar's strength score up to 68. 1.5 oz. His strength bonus is +10,000. This build makes use of several optional rules from Unearthed Arcana including the use of traits, the use of flaws, and fractional BAB advancement. At ECL 1, however, this situation is reversed, and it is the monk's base 1d6 damage which is overshadowed by the bonuses available. Keeping a few on your person will be helpful in many situations: striking opponents vulnerable to a given type of damage; striking at a distance (improvised weapons have a range increment of 10 feet); striking through otherwise disabling barriers (such as hurling a chopstick through the half-inch gaps in the bars of a Forcecage). In the 3.5e progressions, the monk is less dependent on magic, but if using the magic-psionic transparency rule, an antimagic field also nullifies psionic powers (specifically expansion and psionic lion's charge), and all the psionic feats. His Quicken Power feat is one example. This is increased to 8d8 if using the Battle Jumper feat or the Decisive Strike class feature, or 12d8 if using both. The Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries prestige class, from the Draconomicon, is used. Premise 2: The Conjure, Fortify, and Life seeds can be used in conjunction to create entirely new creatures. The War Troll is in trouble. In fact, the descriptive text states that any ability can be granted, so long as it is Supernatural, Extraordinary, or Spell-like in nature. Minagon is a Kalashtar Monk 11/Psionic Fist 5 whose feats include Overchannel, Quicken Power and Improved Natural Attack and whose magic items include a Monk's Belt, a Ring of the Mighty Wallop, Lesser, a Torc of Power Preservation and an Ectoplasmic Fist. The Monkey Grip feat or Titan bloodline ability to wield oversized weapons (12th) plus the use of Call Weaponry and Graft Weapon. Even some powers with long durations (like Claws of the Beast) may need to be activated as a swift action (unless the monk wants to walk around with foot-long razor-sharp claws). Gameplay notes: Many other progressions are possible. For an extensive discussion of the limitations of the monk class in general, real and imagined, see the FAQ. 3. Primarily: free multiclassing for monks, stacking of monk and monk prestige-class levels for purposes of determining unarmed attacks per round, and the prestige classes themselves. The benefit being that Pun-Pun can make himself completely immune to all magic and supernatural effects without hindering the use of his own Manipulate Form ability. Thanks to Jedrious, Turok124, and Hobojimathome for the quicker build. Omniscificer: As seen here in LoP's thread. His strength score is now 68. Requires Power Attack. If you can get in and out within an hour, this is one of the most powerful infiltration features in 5e. Improvised weapons (Ex): At 1st level, any object used as an improvised weapon by the monk does his or her unarmed strike damage +1d4. The more often you do the skill check, the better this feat gets. Without being psionically focused, the build also loses the benefit of the following feats: Speed of Thought, Up the Walls, Psionic Charge. Str: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 20 Dex: 14 Con: 12 Cha: 13, Dire Bear form I take that to mean that the ability functions as the druid class feature Wild Shape. Putting the above elements together, the ultimate challenge for the Ultimate Monk would be a series of lower-level encounters without the opportunity to regain power points in the interim, involving defense of a vulnerable and not-very-mobile character or object, building to a confrontation with foes with antipsionic abilities and the potential to surprise. per round, which is 113ft per second, which is 77.3 mph. Enter the Planar Handbook. See also: Psionic Optimization: Getting More (and Better) Powers. Level 14 for wizards and sorcerers. High-level characters, though, may be subject to antimagical and antipsionic effects. Deep crystal weapons: +2d6 damage (via a modified gauntlet, for example) after charging up the weapon with the expenditure of a power point. A DM might treat an epic-level party to an encounter beginning like this: "You see a three- or four-foot ratlike creature hurrying away with something shiny in its mouth. With Font of Power, the familiar can continue manifesting Synchronicity in the 1 round for free, endlessly. This build requires Lawful alignment. That said, there are several ways. 1. Meanwhile, the effect of Synchronicity (the readied action) is passed over to Pun-Pun through the Affinity Field. Since your perform check is an infinity, your damage will likewise be infinite.). Pun-Pun repeats this process a NI number of times. Immunity to all arcane spells of 6th level and lower and any spell that allows for Spell Resistance. (That is at least all of the ones in the book and includes the awesome Alter Reality. He uses Manipulate Form to bestow that very same ability (Manipulate Form) to his viper familiar. Divine Minion allows you to wild shape as an 11th level druid. He then calculates effective size; size M Kalashtar --> +1 via Expansion --> +1 via Ring of the Mighty Wallop, Lesser --> size H. Finally he adds special modifers: his Improved Natural Attack feat and his Ectoplasmic Fist. The Combat Facing rules, also from UA, are advantageous to the monk, as he will usually be the most mobile person on the battlefield. Ectoplasmic Fist Quori shards increase the damage of the monk's unarmed strike as if he or she were one size category larger. An expensive option (+1,000gp) but it gives you something to do with your power points from Wild Talent prior to acquiring levels in Psionic Fist. What good is limitless reach if you are limited to one plane? These are statistics such as armor class, ability checks, initiative checks, saving throw DC's, skill points, weapon damage, hit points, etc. per round and upward, the ability to run across walls, and virtual immunity to movement-related attacks of opportunity. But be warned; a monk who takes a level of the elocater prestige class can ignore such effects (the elocater's abilities mesh well with the Ultimate Monk's, and might well be an appropriate multiclass option for epic-level Cobra Strike specialists and Drunken Master characters.). With the dire bear's +20 Str., ladders are a thing of the past; a Str. Much of the Ultimate Monk's combat prowess is based upon speed and mobility. Pull through? 2. Multiple actions in each round. Pun-Pun uses his Bellflower Tattoo to add his charisma score as an enhancement bonus to dexterity. His best buys will be the +8 initiative bonus and the emulation of a feat for one round. Pun-Pun wildshapes into a Sarruhk and uses Assume Supernatural Ability (Savage Species) to use the Manipulate Form ability. container thus holds eight drinks. (For instance, the Thunderclap ability of the Stormsinger prestige class in Frostburn deals an amount of electrical damage equal to your perform check. This is why Pun-Pun and his familiar use size-increases. The monk’s ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with her monk level until at 20th level she can use a nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm. Purity of Body (Ex): At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases. This is because the Omniscificer will know how to obtain the ability, and convince anyone to help him get it with infinite skill checks. ), Speed: 80 ft. (16 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares), Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 divine rank) touch 15, flat-footed 13, Special Attacks: Salient Divine Ability, Domain Powers, Spell-like Abilities, Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent, DR 15/epic, Divine Traits, Abilities: Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2, Skills: Balance +11, Climb +13, Hide +15, Move Silently +11, Swim +3, Organization: Solitary, Pair, NI God Horde. A: I believe if you increase your HD, for every 3 levels your HD is increased you should gain an extra feat as long as you meet the pre-requisites for it. Shape Soulmeld (Totem soulmeld) and Open Lesser Chakra (Shoulders) (Magic of Incarnum). Pun-Pun has a NI manifester level for his psi-like abilities. Getting an (Ex) Manipulate Form ability should be first on the list, which would then mean that there's no worrying about gaining total magical immunity. Pun-Pun does the same. Pun-Pun can increase his ability scores instantly and by a very big number at a time. At divine rank 1 again, Pun-Pun invests another squirrel with a divine rank. Familiar becomes colossal and gains +32 size bonus to strength, giving the viper a total strength score of 36. Iron Fist (Complete Warrior) Expend a use of Stunning Fist to gain +1d6 to damage. So Empty Hand Mastery and Improved Natural Attack would overlap. Ectoplasmic Fist Quori Shard (Eberron). The benefits of Ectoplasmic Fists do not stack. When active, this additional power would allow the character to suppress either the racial requirement (Kalashtar) or the requirement of a manifester level. Again, this isn't a size bonus that he is giving the familiar, he is actually increasing the base score to match his own. 1. But instead of adding his charisma bonus, he uses Void Release to add his strength bonus. You can't. This is a costly trade-off, given that the Ultimate Monk lives by his or her wits, but may be useful in some situations; it is a nonmagical ability, and hence is one of the few buffs that can be used in an antimagic field or the like. Powerful Charge: +1d8 to charge damage if size M; damage die increases with size, like your unarmed strike base damage. Notes: The Greater Mighty Wallop spell (from Dragon Magic) increases the wearer's effective size when striking with a bludgeoning weapon by (CL/4, max +5), to a maximum of Size C. So while the monk wears the ring, any form he has of size M or larger is treated as size C or its actual size, whatever is larger, for the purpose of determining bludgeoning damage (such as the monk's unarmed strike). Pun-Pun, Divine Minion 1/Wizard 1/Master of Many Forms 3. This is a supernatural ability that you can invest essentia into. Quori shards may only be used by Kalashtar PCs or those with a special ability to emulate them (such as a Changeling with the Racial Emulation feat) can use Quori shards (however, you might design a custom item using a Quori shard as the base and enhancing it with the 3rd-level Artificer spell Suppress Requirement (duration 10 min/lvl). Example: An ECL 2 character with no magical items or buff spells, whose feats include Flying Kick and Psionic Fist, and who has acquired deep crystal gauntlets, charges an ogre; a successful hit will do 1d6 (base) + 1d12 (Flying Kick) + 2d6 (Psionic Fist) + 2d6 (deep crystal): 5d6 + 1d12 + Str, average 24 points damage + Str. Chopsticks, meat cleavers, playing cards. If you want to boost something, here’s your chance. Properly statted the knowledge skill check of DC 25 is makeable at level 1. BAB=character level, +7 temporary hp, +6 Strength. At the time, the amount of time it took to buff wasn't a big deal. Pun-Pun uses Giant Size on himself, growing to colossal size and gaining a +32 size bonus to strength. 14th level Shadow Lore: Depending on the creature, this is insanely good and can be quite encounter breaking. Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Observant: Not particularly for sorcerers, but a powerful feat nonetheless. Level 12 for psions (Overchannel). Since Pun-Pun is a pathetic Kobold, he qualifies as a Scaled One (though a human or other creature could simply Wild Shape into a form that qualifies as a Scaled One). 2. This increases the capacity they have to increase someone else's strength score. I don't think it would be much fun honestly. A: Please read the description of Manipulate Form again (it is at the top of the page). All Pun-Pun has to do is repeatedly cast Precipitate Complete Breach from the Planar Handbook a number of times equal to the number of planes he would like to reach across. It is much more fun to stay within the abilities found in the rulebooks, and doing so allows others to challenge Pun-Pun with a sliver of a chance . Feed: This method involves Pun-Pun granting himself the Feed ability of the Barghest. Str: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 14 Dex: 14 Con: 14 Cha: 10, 30th level if Nezumi) untyped (3.0e progression only), The monk Psychic Warrior power of Burst: +10 ft. enhancement (overlaps with monk speed bonus), Speed of Thought feat (when focused): +10 ft. insight, Base speed: +4 over 30ft (+48 for a human, +56 nezumi) (Jump only), Normal: Jump +74/+82, Tumble +19, Balance +19, 2d10—Medium, monk 8, Psionic Fist 10, Shintao Monk 9. The monk can use his psionic powers quite often, but not endlessly. There are potential problems with this build ("A problem with the familiars HD progression stops the limitless HD loophole": see talk page), but this shall remain as-is as a piece of much-discussed D&D homebrew history, and as a warning about the unpredictable nature of giving PCs access to a monster's features.. Complete Series (Void Disciple, Tattooed Monk, Master of Many Forms), The ability allows you to increase another creature's ability score up to a maximum of your own corresponding ability score. There are several ways of going about this. Basically, you use your energy drain attack to kill the Sarruhk and then you can Shapechange into the Sarruhk for 24 hours with your Soul Radiance ability. Mantle of Whispers: This is an extremely powerful option to gain access to a secure place. With Spring Attack, or by use of the Hustle power, the build could run up a 60 ft. wall, attack a guard, then run down the other side and run another 60 ft. [Sample dialogue: "Was that a bear? Its 10th level ability is called Kiss of the Shadows. Now that Pun-Pun is the latest golden hind, it sort of matters how quickly he can achieve this power. At epic level, presenting a colossus should be a sufficient challenge (although, given that a colossus' maximum speed is the equivalent of a leisurely stroll around the garden for the Ultimate Monk, the encounter would also have to provide a compelling reason the monk could not simply retreat outside the colossus' 100-foot antimagic field and deal with the problem from there). Allowing one to grant itself any ability it can conceive is ridiculousness beyond words. 3. For example, Manipulate Form is normally a supernatural ability. The Transform seed can reproduce any creature/creature's abilities. Ten of these is not too many. [Hysterically] Nothing matters, when you're already dead. 5. 4. Conclusions Superior Unarmed Strike, which increases the monk's effective level in determining unarmed strike damage, is unnecessary for characters with a functioning Monk's Belt. Sarrukh are immune to this effect. These are at an arbitrarily high caster/manifester level. The familiar manifests Synchronicity, giving himself a readied action. Each drink takes one move action and grants +2 to Strength or Constitution but -2 to Intelligence and Charisma. one to shift to the astral plane, and two others on candles. Up to five armor shards stack, for a bonus of +10. See also the description on the highlights page. Regeneration of at least 40 (the amount of regeneration the Tarrasque has). Illithid Savant: An Illithid character with 5 levels in the Illithid Savant prestige clas (Savage Species) can pull this off. Since the effect is supernatural, Pun-Pun can give himself a NI number of HD and make it permanent with Alter Reality. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. * Thanks to Lokiyn for this godly tactic. At 2nd level, she may select either Combat Reflexes or Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat. Please check out his comment below for the full explanation and build. Or, he could grant himself an ability as powerful as: Benefit: Pun-Pun cannot be harmed, directly or indirectly. Additionally, the monk is exempt for the normal -4 penalty to hit when using improvised weapons. Pun-Pun is a character optimization build, more of a thought exercise than anything else. The optimal approach for power at all levels is to pick the feats that are most useful for the short term, and when you are ready to upgrade to the feats useful at higher ECL (to qualify for prestige classes, or other feats, or to optimize or because you made a mistake), use Psychic Reformation to reselect your feats (and/or your skills, powers, class options and spells). His strength score is 36 from step 2, now he goes colossal and gains a +32 size bonus to strength. Further, anything based off of these statistics will likewise be infinite. Any ability score may be decreased to a minimum of 1 or increased to a maximum equal to the sarrukh's corresponding score. The Manipulate Form ability is explained here, operating under the Fair Use clause (17 USC 107[1] and foreign counterparts). with quick trait) races. Pun-Pun then dismisses the Bellflower effect, and his dexterity goes back down to normal. Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike) (via the feat or an item such as a Fanged Ring). At will, a sarrukh can modify the form of any Scaled One native to Toril, except for aquatic and undead creatures. For each point of essentia you invest, your reach increases by 5 ft. 2. Still Mind (Ex): A monk of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment. 6. The only hitch with this method is that it also involves using epic spells to summon humanoids with more HD than you. True Mind Switch can allow the monk to permanently acquire a more robust and agile physical form. Author: Khan the Destroyer He is suddenly confronted by a War Troll and, after winning the initiative, has to manifest Expansion as a Quickened Power. discrete) teleportation. The basic table is given below.
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powerful build 5e feat 2021