The cyclops is the only one who can open the cave door: What heroic qualities does Odysseus show when he plots against the cyclops? Polyphemus. A faster ship c. The present or 'gift' that the Cyclops promises Odysseus is to eat Odysseus's crew first, and save Odysseus for last. The crew wants to steal Yet, Odysseus wants to meet the caveman and asks him question on what he has to offer 5. Euanthe's son, priest of Whenthe Cyclops falls asleep, Odysseus and his men will ram the stake into the Cyclopsone_____. Odysseus clears the beach and drags his men towards their ship keeping them away from obstacles or Lotus Flowers. answer choices . Spear, olive, fire, eye: In The Cyclops: Odysseus offers the Cyclops his strong wine for what reason? Odysseus gives the Cyclops a false name while the Cyclops is drunk. d. Odysseus knows that killing Polyphemus will anger Poseidon. Legendary people who live on a plant who's fruit induces stupor and forgetfulness of home. By recounting his adventures, losses, and failures, Odysseus is painting a picture in the Kings mind. What does Odysseus offer Polyphemus? What is ironic about the Cyclops saying he will eat Nohbdy last? An exciting What does Odysseus tell Polyphemus his name is? While Odysseus men want to steal the Cyclops cheeses and animals and depart immediately, Odysseus wishes to see what the cave man had to offer. Considering Odysseus character, what might he be hoping the Cyclops will offer? ____While Odysseus men want to steal the Cyclops cheeses and animals and depart immediately, Odysseus wishes to see what the cave man had to offer. Considering Odysseus character, what might he be hoping the Cyclops will offer? This Greek value is called. What do Odysseus and his four men do to Polyphemus? a. The cyclops Odysseus blinds. Throughout his speech, Odysseus is careful to balance his storytelling to cast himself in the best light. The Lotus is a sweet flower that is offered by The Lotus Eaters which displaces the mens dreams. What does Polyphemus eat? Answer 3: A ram that he later uses for sacrifice in the underworld. So, after he is subdued and they stab his eye, the only name he can remember is "Noh,bhdy" or Nobody. Odysseus begged his men not to eat the Lotus since they would ..lose your hope of home. King of Phaeacians who offers Odysseus hospitality. The blinded Cyclops will not then see the men escape. The Cyclops will fall asleep. It does not portray the real events depicted in the epic. Because of the Greek belief that guests are protected by the gods and had to be treated with great courtesy, Odysseus warns the Cyclops that Zeus will avenge the unoffending guest. (In other words, Zeus will be on Odysseus's side.) He cleverly does not berate his crew, emphasizing their courage in most encounters and caring for them. a. Terms in this set (5) Alcinous. To make him drunk How does that show Odysseus exhibits good leadership qualities? Odysseus men (How many?) Maron. Bravery & creativity: What plan does Odysseus have in mind when he offers Polyphemus the wine? Lotus-Eaters. Why does he offer this? An exciting challenge b. 6 Explain WHY Odysseus does not want to kill the Cyclops after he does this. C. P. Cavafy wrote the poem, Ithaka emphasizing the role of Ithaca in Odysseus life.This piece alludes to the Greek epic poem by Homer, Odyssey, and the return journey of the eponymous character to his home island. Why does Odysseus make the decision to not kill the cyclops when he gets the chance to?
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