April 1920 als Gerda Hedwig Kronstein in Wien; 2. Sie gilt als Pionierin der Women’s History (Frauengeschichte). Lerner often spoke passionately about the cost of being a pioneer — the only one, the first one, a minority. In ihrer 1993 veröffentlichten Darstellung „Die Entstehung des feministischen Bewusstseins“ („The creation of feminist consciousness“) spannt sie den zeitlichen Rahmen vom Mittelalter bis zur ersten Frauenbewegung und ging der Frage nach, warum die Unterordnung der Frau so lange dauern konnte und warum sich ein feministisches Bewusstsein so langsam entwickelt hat. An activist in grassroots social and political movements, her projects included co-writing the screenplay for “Black Like Me,” directed by her husband. “Gerda Lerner pioneered the field of women’s history,” says Cronon, Frederick Jackson Turner and Vilas Research Professor of History, Geography, and Environmental Studies. Die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft erhielt sie 1943. Den Käthe-Leichter-Preis bekam sie 1995 und ein Jahr später das Österreichische Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Gerda Lerner, eminent scholar and pioneer in the field of women’s history, passed away on … Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte waren US-historische Themen und die Frauengeschichte. She understood, as Paula Gunn Allen wrote, that ‘the root of oppression is the loss of memory.'”. She understood, as Paula Gunn Allen wrote, that ’the root of oppression is the loss of memory.’”. Prolonged and helpless infancy of the human child lead to the fact that most nubile women would devote most of their adulthood to pregnancy, child bearing and nursing. in the middle east, putting gender relations at the center of the story of civilization's history. She created one of the world’s leading centers for the study of women’s and gender history when she moved to UW–Madison, and the program she and her colleagues built remains a crown jewel of the university.”. “She lived history by her bravery, restored history by her scholarship and democratized its study by her activism. “Writing history and thinking about women,” she wrote in her collected essays, Why History Matters: … Explorations of the status of women also contributed to a rethinking of fundamental historical concepts, as in Joan… Gerda Kronstein was born in Vienna, Austria on April 30, 1920. The Creation of Patriarchy is a nonfiction book written by Gerda Lerner in 1986 as an explanation for the origins of misogyny in ancient Mesopotamia and the following Western societies.She traces the "images, metaphors, [and] myths" that lead to patriarchal concepts' existence in Western society (Lerner 10). Weniger bekannt ist, dass sich ihre Forschungsaktivitäten auch auf die Diskriminierung anderer Bevölkerungsgruppen, z.B. Seit 1980 hatte sie die Robinson-Edwards-Professur an der University of Wisconsin. Lerner’s life and work, so inextricably intertwined, gained prominence thanks to her fearless, continual examination of the world. Die Ehe wurde aber schon 1940 geschieden. Gerda Lerner argues that male dominance over women is not “natural” or biological, but the product of an historical development begun in the second millennium B.C. Gerda Lerner's 1986 history classic, The Creation of Patriarchy, traces the development of the patriarchy to the second millennium B.C.E. Gerda Lerner constructs an historical framework for understanding why women of the 21st century still fight to emancipate themselves from male subordination and misogynistic attitudes. Gerda Lerner (née Kronstein, 1920–2013) was an author, historian, and seminal figure in founding of women’s history. But her lens on the world changed dramatically when the Nazi regime imprisoned her family. “I applied that to understanding how it was possible to manipulate half the people of the world to accept that they are inferior.”. In 1972, the field had progressed enough for Lerner to found the nation’s first master’s degree in women’s history. Just getting women’s history recognized as a discipline was difficult enough. “They want to make sure that the women who come after them know that it won’t be easy. Lerner was born Gerda Hedwig Kronstein in Vienna, Austria in 1920. Juni 2020 um 18:00 Uhr bearbeitet. Gerda Lerner (* 30. Lerner wurde 1966 Gründungsmitglied der National Organization for Women (NOW), der heutzutage größten feministischen Organisation in den USA. Sie unternahm zahlreiche Bemühungen, das Fach an den Universitäten und in der Öffentlichkeit zu etablieren. in the middle east, putting gender relations at the center of the story of civilization's history. Gerda Lerner, pioneer in women’s history, remarkable public intellectual, and life-long activist, died this week in Wisconsin at the age of 92. She was the director of the graduate program in women‟s history at Sarah Lawrence from 1972 to 1976 and from 1978 to 1979 and throughout her life helped establish many graduate programs in women‟s history (Oak and the World of the Web). Lerner erhielt zahlreiche Preise und Auszeichnungen. Als erste Frau wurde sie 2002 mit dem Bruce-Catton-Preis ausgezeichnet. Sie war die Erste, die über ein frauengeschichtliches Thema promovierte. Gerda Kronstein entstammte einer wohlhabenden jüdischen Familie. in the Ancient Near East. Lerner is survived by her sister, Nora Kronstein; her daughter Stephanie Lerner (Todd Lapidus) and son Dan Lerner; and four grandchildren. Lerner begann ihr Geschichtsstudium mit 38 Jahren in Abendkursen an der New School for Social Research. Gerda Lerner, Robinson Edwards Professor Emerita of History at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, died on Wednesday, Jan. 2 in an assisted-living facility in Madison. Mit 46 Jahren wurde sie 1966 an der Columbia University promoviert. Lerner’s tenacity earned her a reputation for antagonizing students and colleagues. Geboren wurde Gerda Lerner 1920 als Tochter des jüdischen Ehepaares Robert und Ilona Kronstein in Wien. Dort etablierte sie das landesweit erste Masterprogramm in Frauengeschichte. Hier wuchs sie in wohlhabenden Verhältnissen mit einer Schwester, Nora, auf und war schon in ihren Jugendjahren politisch tätig. [4] Für ihr literarisches und publizistisches Gesamtwerk wurde sie 2006 mit dem Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch geehrt. Gerda Lerner, another pioneer in women's history and a leading feminist theorist, remarked in 1981: After emigrating to the United States as a refugee, she ended up in New York and settled into a happy marriage with filmmaker Carl Lerner. “With her passing we mourn not only the loss of a close friend and colleague, but a true giant in the field. Ein Jahr später heiratete sie den Filmproduzenten Carl Lerner. Over the course of 50 years, a handful of brave and potentially marginal historians created a field with thousands of PhDs. 1Gerda Lerner was a historian of remarkable eloquence, insight, and courage, an advocate of the importance of history to the pursuit of social justice. Im Jahr 1991 wurde sie emeritiert. Settling in New York, Kronstein married Jensen. How, is for each person to choose.”, “Gerda dragged many folks into nature, some of them kicking and screaming — as they were intellectuals raised in cities,” says former student Susan Zaeske, now associate dean in the College of Letters and Science. “The most important thing, the thing I have always lived by, is that you must be engaged in some way in the world in which you live. Aus der Ehe mit Carl Lerner gingen 1946 und 1947 zwei Kinder hervor. Why History Matters Life and Thought Gerda Lerner. . Dr Lerner draws her evidence from a host of archaeological, literary, and artistic sources, using them to pinpoint the critical turning points in the allocation of women's roles in society. Im Jahre 1939 heiratete sie. More often than not, this involved the outdoors. Sie übernahm als Chefsekretärin einen Job bei einer Gewerkschaft. “Gerda Lerner pioneered the field of women’s history,” says Cronon, Frederick Jackson Turner and Vilas Research Professor of History, Geography, and Environmental Studies. in the Ancient Near East. To view a video interview with Lerner, done in May 2012 by Renata Keller for the upcoming documentary “Living History,” click here. She makes it very clear the process is important and on … PLACING WOMEN IN HISTORY: DEFINITIONS AND CHALLENGES Gerda Lerner In the brief span of five years in which American historians have begun to develop women's history as an independent field, they have sought to find a conceptual frame-work and a methodology appropriate to the task. Dort richtete sie 1990 den landesweiten ersten Promotionsstudiengang für Frauengeschichte ein. Raised in an upper-middle-class Jewish family, Lerner developed a strong sense of justice at an early age, as she noticed the unequal treatment of household servants. She led her peers in discussions on aging, empowering them even as they needed more assistance. [5] Im Jahr 2012 erhielt sie den Frauen-Lebenswerk-Preis von der Bundesministerin für Frauen und Öffentlichen Dienst.[6]. She published two short stories featuring first-person accounts of the Nazi annexation of Austria. Lerner’s achievements in women’s history did not come out of an early interest in academia, however. Ihre Schwester Nora (* 1925) wurde ebenfalls Malerin und war außerdem eine Textildesignerin. Nach ihrer Emeritierung hielt sie Vorlesungen an der Duke University. [3] Im Jahr 1972 veröffentlichte sie mit „Black Women in White America“ („Schwarze Frauen im weißen Amerika“) eine umfassende und bis heute unersetzbare Quellensammlung. Die Bedeutung von Geschlecht, so ließe sich hinzufügen, ist einer der vielen Aspekte, der in diesem Prozess „wiederentdeckt” wurde. A member of JWA’s Academic Advisory Council, she was enthusiastic about our mission of chronicling and transmitting the history of Jewish women. “Then she asked us if we felt that the dependency of children was a burden. College of Letters & Science, obituaries, Feedback or questions? At her home in Oakwood Village, a retirement community home to many retired academics, she continued to teach, fight and revel in the experience of living.
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