Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on February 05, 2012: Whoops good point bellagirl61, I must have had a blonde moment (or a glass of wine) when I suggested indoor tomatoes, although my own cats ignore my outdoor ones, and would probably ignore any indoor ones. Good luck. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. My other 2 cats won't touch it. My cat used to vomit and had diarrhea, but it never came to my head that it was because of the plants. Is it safe to eat ferns? He said maybe she got into something that upset her. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on April 11, 2012: Do be careful though Ravenpaw. ... How to Repot a Leatherleaf Fern ; ... Is Potting Soil Toxic to Cats? So far she has not vomited again. Fish Pole Bamboo (Phyllostachys … If you must have any of these plants in your home, keep them safely out of reach. Now I know why my kitten is sick! Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 04, 2019: If only I had the time to research that article too Dori, but there would no doubt be thousands of plants and in recent times I have a lot of other stuff going on in my life that doesn’t allow me much time for writing any more. I'm really curious where you got your info on the Orange plant being toxic to cats. Among the most common of these are Sprengeri fern, fern palm and winter fern. Asparagus fern, also known as lace, emerald or plumosa fern, deserves a special mention because it is such a popular houseplant. My cat ate the tiniest piece of a hyacinth leaf earlier today was was found unresponsive later on tonight. In this article, I hope to list many of the most common plants that pose health risks to cats so that you can ensure you don't bring them into your home. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum) Spider plants are a very common indoor plant. Even vets frequently refer back to text books to check things out. You never know, you could be related to my Step Father and his family!! With its stiff fronds, the sago palm looks like a tiny palm tree and can live indoor or outdoor. I am not familiar with the name, although the Muscari part does sound familiar to me from years ago when I grew Hyacinths. There's nothing her that helps once I bring my cat home from an overnight stay- with length of illness, long-term neurological affects- blindness, etc. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on September 22, 2013: Right now it sounds like your vet is doing the right thing. With ferns, according to the aspca database, you need only avoid: The very toxic Cycads (not really a fern, but also known as “ Fern Palm” and Sago Palm) and the mildly toxic Asparagus Fern (aka Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari, Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri).. 3. Called the vet back and he doesn't know what is wrong with her but said the next step would be x-rays of her intestines and possibly more enemas. It is not poisonous to humans as well as animals, like dogs and horses. Surprisingly, even humans can overdose on liquorice! Both ate on my devils ivy. All the symptoms were there, convulsions/fitting etc. Take note of the plants that will harm your pets.... as much as I love my cats... it costs $160 + medication a month. It sounds rather an nasty reaction if your cat only ate a 'tiny' piece of Hyacinth. Do you think this vet is on the right track? I have an arum lily plant, after viewing this page, i went to see the plant and sure enough, his little bite marks were all over the leaves and on the flower. So long as the foliage etc is out of reach of the cats there should not be a problem. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 23, 2013: Hi There, sounds like you might have an Aloe Vera that is one of the less toxic varieties (there are many variations). Ingesting any part of the plant can cause complete kidney failure in 36-72 hours. In case of cats, ingestion of any part of the plant can cause symptoms, like vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, depression, lack of urination caused by kidney failure, and even death. The name (spelt this way) is quite rare, so if this is your surname I would be very grateful if you could contact me either here in the comments, or via a private message sent through my Hubpages profile page (see fan mail, then select 'email', no need to join the site) and give me a bit more info about where you live, family background etc so I can pass it on. Essential Oils are usually very highly concentrated. Thanks for the extra info :). Never put water in the crown (center) of a Bird’s Nest Fern since the crown rots easily. Marley didn't make it and my heart is absolutely broken. Plants that are considered true ferns are generally safe to grow in a home with cats. Could this be harmful, as it's a decorative plant? Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on January 19, 2014: Hi shebacat, the title of this hub is A-Z of Houseplants that are Poisonous to your Cats. The best bet is to find a list of plants you would like to have by name, and then check them out one at a time online to see if they are poisonous to cats or dogs. Most of my plants are succulents, and it is really grieving me to get rid of them, but now I have two inquisitive indoor kittens, so I guess I have to let them go. Oh, and just to let you know I am working very closely with my vet on this. This doesn't mean that it's good for your cat to eat them. Winter flowering. Voted up. Very well written, concise and helpful article. It is so helpful and some garden plants need to be evicted now. Instead, these alstroemeria beauties are non-toxic to cats, relatively inexpensive and last for a really long time. Further reading about toxic lilies here. One note though, it might be helpful: Muscari Mill is also poisonous. Needless to say i feel that the Sellers of such deadly plants should be held accountable for not labeling "toxic to Animals, and children"pray with me that my ginger survives..thank you. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on January 22, 2012: I wish I could answer that one in a comment blondie, but that would require a whole article in itself, plus hours and hours of research. If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. Is this ok or should I just get rid of the plant?? So long as she didn't wash it off herself she should be okay, but in the meantime please get rid of this plant as the pollen from lilies will readily drop on to surfaces where a cat could walk and get it on their paws etc. Thanks so much for this information. Unlike true ferns, it is considered toxic. Non-poisonous plants for cats. It is important to remember that with lilies the pollen only has to get on the cats fur and the cat wash it off in order for it to cause kidney failure, and this happens very quickly. It looks a lot like an Asparagus Fern. My last (and final) indoor/outdoor cat died suddenly without apparent cause, and I wonder if it was his favorite hunting ground under the orange daylilies. Poisonous plant example: Lilies (Lilium spp and Hemerocallis spp) The entire lily plant is toxic. The vet thinks it is the result of her eating from the 'Orange Lily' plant. Thanks a lot for this very useful information. He had not ate in 2 days and not drank for a day and a half before I realized something was terribly wrong. Certainly if this is as a result of an allergic reaction then it could definitely happen 'that fast', sometimes allergic reactions happen within minutes depending on what causes them and the level of reaction the animal in question has, (think of how quickly a person allergic to bee stings can react). Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on October 18, 2011: gryphin423 from Florida on October 18, 2011: Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on October 02, 2011: Thank you cleowolf, I am so sorry you lost your two cats as I know how devastating it is to lose a pet under any circumstances, but not to know why is even worse. Many of these species are commonly kept as houseplants, so I am guessing that some will come as surprises to unsuspecting cat owners. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on May 14, 2012: Hi Lori, I am so pleased your babies are safe and that you are a responsible owner who does get veterinary treatment for her pets. It sounds like tragically your cat had a particularly bad reaction to the toxins, so is the exception to the rule. The plant names that are listed in bold typeface are known to be dangerous to animals (dogs and cats). Now, both cats have kidney disease, are on special food and daily oral medication. I did a search and one site says yes, they are toxic and another says no they aren't..Thought I would get an expert opinion or two. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on January 17, 2012: I am so sorry for your loss Vanessa, at least you can now spread the word to other cat owners, and the more of us that do this the more cats we can save. Natural liquorice derived from liquorice root contains glycyrrhizin. Answer: No, fortunately, these are nontoxic to both dogs and cats. So pleased you found this in time (prior to your planting). Took her to vet today; he checked her blood levels: everything in normal range; gave her an enema and she had a partial evacuation but vet said he could still feel a stool in her intestines; gave her an appetite stimulant and a valium. Contact your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline for treatment instructions if your cat mistakes asparagus fern for a tasty treat. You now have at least got the chance to warn other cat owners of the risks, friends, family etc. For one, I didn't realize that Aloe Vera and daffodils, in particular, are toxic to cats and dogs. My nine year old girl cat has been completely listless for two days, with frequent vomiting of frothy and mucous yellow liquid only; no food interest but has had water, keeps visiting the litter box and straining to evacuate but unable to. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on January 20, 2016: Sounds like you were lucky this time Deb. I haven't taken enough precautions in my planning to know what plants to keep out of reach of my cat! Even if you remove all the plants from your house, your cat could nibble on a fern … Adding texture and depth to contemporary and traditional designs, the wiry stem of the Leatherleaf gives way to a triangular-shaped web of sprouting leaves. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on August 19, 2012: You are welcome Mythbuster. Your post mentions Hyacinths - and Muscari Mill comes from this flower group; it surely is dangerous for cats, too. If this has been happening for a few weeks, it seems that the fern is very low in toxicity; also the fern shouldn’t cause a problem with her diabetes but the vomiting may have caused her to lose some fluids. Thank you for your research. As soon as I got her home she kept going to the litter box with no results for passing stool even with her straining to go. I kept adjusting her diet but now I am convinced it must have been chewing plants. To a cat, the soil around a potted plant looks like kitty litter, which is why cats tend to dig in the pots. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on February 19, 2012: No Valerie, this list is not a list of plants that cure problems, it is a list of plants that can cause problems. To a young child, though, ferns may look tempting to touch or taste. :) Voted up - a very useful hub. Appreciate the info. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on June 29, 2012: Ahh, of course, I just checked this out and it is the 'Grape Hyacinth'. In small amounts I am certain it can be very beneficial for various medical conditions. I brought a lily home yesterday not knowing it was poisonous and my kitty was smelling it and I think had some pollen residue on her nose. It was so helpful to me. Popular true ferns include Boston, maidenhair, button, rabbit's foot, bird's nest and staghorn. Mother Nature Network: What Should I Do To Protect My Pet From Poisonous Plants. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. He was drooling excessively and having seizures. Richie Mogwai from Vancouver on November 05, 2012: Amazing, truly amazing hub. It’s especially toxic to cats because of its alkaloid colchicine content, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. You have seen its flower, use Comparison Pages containing Wild Flower Plants and Cultivated Plants in the Colour Wheel Gallery. I have lost two young cats in the last year due to mysterious circumstances, I am now wondering whether it was due to poison possibly from devil's ivy-what an apt name if so. The berries contain sapogenins, which are toxic to cats and can immediately cause irritation and gastrointestinal upset. I knew the devils ivy was poisonous but did not know the signs, thank you. Hopefully we caught it in time with induced vomiting and charcoal. Your article on plants toxic to cats was very helpful. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on January 28, 2017: So sorry for your loss Jake. But you should move the fern to a place where the cat can't get it because too much of that will make him throw up, and probably on the expensive new rug your parents just bought I have a 9 year old cat that has been chewing on my aloe plant for about 3 years and has never gotten sick from it. Sadly, it was my favourite flower, but I'm happy I wasn't too late to get rid of it, and this last week my cat was healthy and eating well again. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on July 04, 2018: Hi ‘Worried’, in your position I would be very concerned too, mainly because of the Peruvian Lilies, which I suspect will have the same problem as other lilies to cats. Hello,I was just wondering I have a little over a year old cat and believe she may have chewed on my mother n law plant because she has been throwing up off and on all day but the last time was 3 hours age and before that 10 hours.i seen where the mother n law plant was poison and so removed in from the house.its more like clear liquid to just milky you think she has got to much or just enough to make her feel bad?I know throwing up isn't good but could she have got the poison out of her before it cause any harm?I don't want to wait to long to get her to the vet.we change her litter box to day and she had diarrhea but that's the only time.hope you can ease my mind.thank you, are mother inlaw or snake plant dangerous to cats. indoor tomatoes, chili peppers, salads etc. What a fantastically helpful page. Initially, a bot will ask questions to determine the general nature of your concern. In the meantime I started noticing the other one showing signs and now I am forcing pedialyte down her. But even with non-poisonous ferns, avoid letting children handle or ingest the plant. There are several ferns that are in fact, toxic to cats. Some symptoms of poisoning include; vomiting, seizures, foaming, and coma. Thank you for answering which plants are poisonous to cats. A better question would be what are the plants NOT poisonous to cats. In most cases it is mildly toxic, but the berries can be poisonous. The excess consumption of liquorice can cause liver damage, raise blood pressure and cause muscle weakness. Plants Poisonous to Cats "Cats like to chew green things. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 11, 2012: I am honestly not sure on this one kenzie, but if by 'feather grass' you mean Pampas grass I have never heard of it being toxic to cats. Once a year blood work and urine tests for the two about $400 each. Home remedies or do I have to go to vet? Dan Sheppard from Perth, Western Australia on December 12, 2011: wow, this is incredibly detailed with the pictures. After reading this article I saw coleus in your article I have this plant so this must be the plant that my cat has eaten. What Ferns Are Toxic To Cats. Hi, I want to bring in my alternanthera inside for winter, will it harm my cats? I would hope that if there is no change in a day or two he would operate to investigate further and ensure nothing is blocking her intestine that is not showing up on the x-ray due to the nature of the object in question. Unfortunately I don't have the label which was together with the flowers when I bought them, so I might be wrong, but I think the Latin name for this flower was Muscari neglectum. If you do have them, place them as far out of the cat's reach as possible. Good luck. They stand up to well to heat too! Whether or not you allow your cat to play with the fronds (which most cats can’t resist) is up to you. This is a good list - and I'm glad you included your source (which lists more garden/vegetable plants). I would recommend (from having worked in two vets surgeries) an x-ray to make sure she hasn't swallowed a foreign object that is blocking her intestine (I have seen this before in both dogs and cats, and it can be anything from a small toy, a needle, a cork, pen lid or whatever, only an x-ray can determine this). Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on November 27, 2011: Hi Indi, I am sorry to hear about your little girl. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 14, 2012: Golly Kathleen, I wrote this article 2 years ago, and I have written loads more since. As far as marijuana (hemp) is concerned - there results of animals being treated for a variety of ailments using hemp oil has been remarkable - animals have been known to eat marijuana and it hasnt been toxic to them. It is this compound which makes liquorice sweet. I was just wondering if Boston Fern is toxic to cats. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 02, 2013: Glad this was so helpful to you Rachel :). Never assume a cat will instinctively try not to eat a poisonous plant—all too often, cats end up being rushed to the vet suffering from poisoning as a direct result of chewing on or eating toxic houseplants. Thankyou very much! Should I take her to a different vet? Leatherleaf Fern Propagation. Says she won't be able to have a bowel movement until she eats enough to push the stool through. The toxicity may occur by ingestion of, or by mouthing, very small amounts of lily material. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 20, 2012: Glad to be of help Catherine, and pleased you will be able to use this in the future as well :). She seems to want to nibble on it but now eating it. It's now Sunday morning and he has called me; they gave her a mineral oil enema and she passed some stool but he can feel a bit more in upper part of her intestine. Many common houseplants can be poisonous to cats. ", Greetings. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on November 06, 2013: I hope Ginger will be okay. Not all of them will prove fatal if chewed or eaten, but some can definitely kill your much-loved feline friend. I am glad your cat is so much better now Kora, it is good to know this article has made a difference to her well-being. Is Buttfly Pea (tea, blooms, leaves, etc) toxic to cats? Keep a first aid kit on hand, as well as emergency phone numbers such as those for a pet poison hotline and your vet's emergency contact number.
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