As the article says, remove phosphates from your pool when levels exceed 1000 ppb. We had a similar scenario this summer. Sometimes, the chlorine dissipates, meaning there is a noticeable drop in chlorination levels. Maybe try a different band. When I tried to vacuum it up it just swirls around. Cyanuric Acid 35 – ok How did you get rid of the cloudiness? Could that have circulated algae into the pool which then started feasting on all the phosphates? This disinfecting agent sanitizes the water by killing contaminants such as human impurities, bacteria, viruses and algae. Of note, the phosphates were <300 only 2 weeks prior when professionally tested. Every time we treat the pool looks Murky and grey settlement all over. I thank you for your help. That’s what we had to do in order to get our to register. Took my water into Leslie’s Pool They said phosphates are high , They said to drain half the water out and put fresh water in there is no algae in my pool that I could see but it’s a little milky what should I do and can the kids swim in it it seems like the chemicals are pretty close to being balanced. However the phosphates are at 1000. No need to renew water. We have added algaecide, and shock, and also phos free stuff. However, phosphate test kits are widely available at pool supply shops, and are inexpensive and easy to use if you want to test your phosphate levels. Hi Matthew. At low levels, and in pools without an algae problem, phosphates don’t do anything to affect the water quality in your pool. We’ll take the water to get tested and they’ll say our chlorine is high, like 7. Removing phosphates from pool water can be done without using special chemicals. They say my Phosphate level 1000, my pool is clear not green could this be a bad test or should i use phosphate remover. It Helps Stabilize pH. Of course, I’d rather not do that if I don’t need it. my pool pump pressure went 20 points higher that when I put in a fresh set of filter cartridges. We did not our first treatment and the pool supply store was shocked. The it was metal remiver, followed by iron remover, tons of schock, and liquid shock , then finally phosphate remover, Not once but twice . Did they have any specific information that made them jump to that conclusion? Once your phosphate levels exceed 1000 ppb, I would consider purchasing a phosphate remover. It’s a right way to control the PH & TA vauel to pool water in good conditioner ? Our pool builder continues to tell us that our Chlorine levels do not matter in our Salt water pool. This might explain your algae issue got progressively worse and worse. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Since you added so much metal remover, you probably have to re-dose phosphate remover. A saltwater pool gets cleaned using a filtering system called a salt chlorine generator. Alexander on July 14, 2019: I have Very Cloudy Pool Water. Phosfate reading 4699. We have an auto cover that is closed at all times when no one is swimming and we have no problem with leaves and other organic matter in our pool ever. TDS 600 – ok Not only does it exasterbate allergies but pollen in itself IS a phosphate. Lowered the phosphates (used Natural Chemistry's PHOSfree, because it didnt cloud or NO vacumming, thank GOD) and ever since that summer our pool has been so much easier to maintain and we save so much … Finally balance all your chemicals starting with pH. It will work. Tested the water today and phos was at 3600! we are on our second treatment. Is this normal that the phosphate converts to a white glue that you can just hose out of the cartridge? My phosphates are like 3700….and can’t get them down!! Swimables phosphate remove x is what I just purchased. Proper treatment can only begin when the level of phosphates has been accurately determined. Why did they say that? The green is algae, and you need to concentrate on getting rid of that first. The phos always hovered right below the 500 which was noted as the “high normal “standard. They tested the water and said phosphates were >1000 so they treated. They ran the tests and our phosphate levels were 1500. Hi Re: High Phosphate in Saly Water Pool I would not worry about the phosphate at all. In addition to spot cleaning with a skimmer net, vacuuming and emptying the pool pump basket the most common thing you'll need to do is balance the water chemistry. I do agree with not putting unecessary chems in it though because it seemed like the more the pool store told us to put in our pool the worse it got… however I feel like if we had cleard the phosphates after an algae bloom was killed it might have helped us avoid the next which usually came within a week of the last. They also determined that phosphates are not likely to be a problem until after levels are above 1000 ppb. They said this is probably a phosphate issue. Shocked it again with another 3 bags, nothing. You can use a flocculant or a clarifier to hasten the process. I am getting conflicting opinions on whether it is necessary to treat these phosphates. When these are added to a salt pool, the result will be a breakdown of the phosphate to free orthophosphate which is what will cause the problems with cells in the chlorine generator. Which is true, sort of. Please keep us informed. When these are added to a salt pool, the result will be a breakdown of the phosphate to free orthophosphate which is what will cause the problems with cells in the chlorine generator. Pool / Aquatics Failing Salt Generators The Phosphate Connection By Terry Arko. They are a naturally occurring form of the element phosphorous, and are widespread in almost every organism and biological system on earth. As long as the chlorine levels are not over 5ppm, you should be good to swim. Having trouble holding chlorine for weeks in our 28,000-gallon, inground saltwater pool. Phosphates are a food source for algae and other aquatic plants. The the following Spring they get to sell Phos-Free to remove it. After reading through various articles and customers’ questions on removing phosphates, I’ve come to one conclusion, there’s a lot of misconstrued and misconceptions regarding phosphates in your swimming pool. Phosphates in pool and spa water can cause a variety of water quality issues, including clouding. I’m all for supporting “brick and mortar retail” that provides a service but I don’t care to be ripped off by them either. They said our phosphates are high. Free Chlorine 3.22 – ok Water still is crystal clear. What will we do with many buckets of phosphates that we will have to scoop out of the bottom? We have a sand filter. Water clarity remained very milky. Yes, you can have clear water with high phosphates. My questions are: 1- SHould my sand filter build pressure? Gonna wait two days then have retest done. Pool Chemistry: Explained In Simple Terms, How To Keep Bees And Wasps Away From Your Pool (FAST), Why You Have Bubbles In Your Pool (3 Possible Reasons). If it is easily washed off the cartridge, then it shouldn’t be much of an issue. When phosphate levels are high, the saltwater chlorinator cannot produce enough chlorine to fight off the algae. In saltwater, excess phosphate can inhibit the growth of hard corals. Skim your pool with a pool skimmer-this will drastically improve your odds of less Phosphate in your pool and also you should be skimming your pool. I was told that phosphates are steroids for allergy…so you really don’t want any at all in your pool. This product works in fresh or saltwater to bring about 1.0 ppm of phosphate or silicates to less than .05 ppm in a 120-gallon aquarium for every dry quart of the medium. Phosphates 1458 – add 1 gallon 19 fl oz of NoPhos My daughter swims but also uses next to nothing in hair stuff etc. Also, some phosphate agents require that you bypass the filter media, by setting the multiport valve to recirculate. Phosphates are food for algae, but algae can’t eat if it’s dead. Phosphate, or PO4, is a compound of Phosphorus (P), one of the top 14 out of 70 trace elements found in natural seawater that are considered to be essential for saltwater aquarium and reef tank systems.The normal PO4 level in the ocean is 0.07 ppm (remember this number for future reference). In fact, it’s impossible as phosphates do not atomize in the atmosphere. The short answer is no, phosphates alone really aren’t a problem in pool water. If one bottle of phosfree spring and fall only clears 300ppb for 25,000 gallons that means about 600ppb for our pool…. Algae is the problem, and most pool owners employ other methods to control algae. Ever. Phosphates down to 2400 after second treatment. They said there was no scientific data to prove it. Salt systems are actually chlorine generators, using a process called electrolysis. If I backwash and vacuum to backwash because I have to waste setting can I remove all this from my pool? It doesn’t matter how many phosphates are in a pool, if chlorine is present in a sufficient enough number algae cannot live. I used the whole bottle of phos free as suggested and you are to wait 48 hours with pump running and then rinse your filter. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that even proves that phosphates actually increase algal growth rates when phosphate levels are below 1000 parts per billion (ppb). How soon after can I safely add additional chlorine to the pool? Just because your phosphates are at 1000 it does not mean your pool is going to start turning green. Suspect organic crud through the screen from surrounding trees as the cause. If you suspect phosphates may be the source of your water quality issue, it is always best to have your water tested. It looks crystal clear. I am reading no chlorine after treating for phosphates. Apr 01, 2020 Rating: Cloudy by: Clayton I am very upset spent $35 at a pool place because my phosphates are 1500ppb and should be around 100 so dumped it in and now my pool is super cloudy. Whenever you have an imbalanced pool, one of the first things you should do is test your water. If your pool water is otherwise healthy and balanced, phosphates won’t affect water quality. In my earlier days, I’ve been upsold on the fancy new chemical of the month. Our local pool store has been helping. There are several other factors. Phosphate in swimming pools, coupled with sunlight, fosters algae growth. Informative article, even for a professional such as myself! No chlorine though. We did. Phosphates are nutrients that help increase plant growth. That is a pretty cheap solution. Give me Phosphate free scale control! Did the instructions of your phosphate remover state to remove the cartridge or bypass the filter? Maintaining low levels (100ppb or lower) of phosphates is important to keep calcium and phosphates from combining. Does it say to wait for a certain period of time before allowing swimmers in the pool? But how exactly do phosphates enter your pool? The main ways of phosphates finding their way into the pool are: This has always been the case but only recently was phosphate recognized as the cause of many common problems. As a professional in CA, where there is a huge pool industry base, I can validate the information in the article, and say that in the future, balancing the water ( Chlorine, pH, and Cyanurate level), which the article recommends, should always be the first step in correcting any water quality issues, esp. An uncovered pool can collect leaves, twigs, and dirt that the wind blows in. Copyright © 2020 INYOpools All rights reserved. Rainwater itself isn’t phosphorous. Thank you for your story, Bruce. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Calcium Hardness 241 – ok Before you do any adjusting to your salt levels, you first have to determine … Here are some of the best ways to manage phosphates: As you can tell, these phosphate removal methods are (or should be) part of your pool maintenance routine anyway. In a swimming pool, phosphates can accumulate from four primary sources: In other words, since they are so widespread in nature and used in so many ways, any pool water will always have some amount of phosphates in it. In this particular case, once the pH and alkalinity levels were correct, the water was clear. Indeed, high phosphates do contribute to added chlorine demand, which is perhaps what people notice...but the phosphates themselves do not have anything to do with salt. The product did not require that I bypass the filter. 1-16 of 212 results for "pool phosphate test kit" Ets Hach Company 562227 Phosphate Test Kit. We were told to pu whole bottle of phosfree in. prIor to the first phosfree treatment we had used flock and clarifier As I mentioned pool water is crystal clear our biggest problem is being able to keep chlorine in the water That is why we had the water tested and they found it was high and phosphates They indicated that the phosphates eating the chlorine that is why we could not keep chlorine in the pool, Try looking up chlorine demand and taking corrective action as outlined. And have been fighting mustard algea…. Phosphates will leach into your rock and other surfaces and doing the water change will simple lower and raise them quickly. Pool store said add 1 pound of stabilizer as it was a little low, which we did. Before adding phosphate remover into your pool, make sure you actually need it. Get it as soon as Mon, Mar 29. But I wanted you to get an idea of my poll’s current state. In this video, we'll walk you through the steps on how to clean your green pool using the SLAM method. Does INYO pool sell a phosphorus free stain and metal control? Generally speaking, most pool owners don’t need to test for or control phosphate levels in their pools. Phosphates can be removed from the pool water by a simple use of a phosphate remover. They said my phosphates were high (200 ppb – not high at all!) At levels above 1000 ppb, and in pools with an algae problem, phosphates can make a bad situation worse. i have been treating yellow algae for two weeks, using yellow out and the slam method on above ground pool algae still there. Some treatment plants use sequestering agents, and others just add orthophosphates directly. Restocked the pool. Thank you so much for this info. Then introduce chlorine back into the pool. The water you use to fill your pool is likely to contain a small number of phosphates and this is not an issue. Yes we backwashed after the firat treatment The pressure never changed with the first treatmen. No problems since. I just bought phosphate remover. The only recent event I can think of is we recently turned on a pump for a waterfall in the pool and noticed the water in the pool pump was very green. We have spent hundreds of dollars on their products that aren’t bringing the phosphates down. An introduction to pool phosphates: Phosphates are chemic with problems like algae or staining. My pool is cloudy cannot see the lunar net it hittom at all . So they want me to do a treatment. Phosphates in Swimming pool water. As all pool owners are aware, phosphate levels can cause huge problems. There are a lot of myths and mis-information about phosphates and what they do in a pool. Then adject the PH by Muriatic Acid, lower PH in to 7.2-7.6 This occurred after I put in Phosphate free…. It’s funny that we never hear customers complain about phosphates being in their pool until their pool is green. I’m very thankful for someone like you to help. And, in case it needs to be said, you don’t need to use a phosphate remover. Some reasons why you should test for and treat. WATER IS CLEAR AT $ 58.00 A BOTTLE I’D LIKE A CHEAPER WAY TO GET THEM DOWN…. I wasn’t going to go through this again. For someone with a known specific allergy, it certainly can be. In all of the pools we have seen and heard of calcium flakes, we have yet to see one saltwater pool with calcium phosphate. I ran the pump 24/7 for 3 days and backwashed once a day. 4 days into this, the pool looks fantastic. My water was crystal clear before and all chems were balanced. This is our second year with it. Another cause to look to for scale in pools is phosphates. Any help be appreciated. At high enough levels, phosphates feed algae to grow in your pool. I added 48 oz of Phosphate Remover and am running the filter for 48 hours on slow speed 1150 rpm. Next day chlorine level is actually holding. Taking good care of your pool will naturally control the amount of phosphates. Lots of yuck that was on top the cover mad its way into the pool water. 4). Most metal sequestering products available for pools are phosphonic or phosphoric acid based formulas. I’m not sure where the algae came from, but if there is cloudiness, then your chlorine is working. We have been struggling to keep chlorine in the pool. FREE Shipping. Balancing the water then physically brushing the algae will almost always correct the issue in the short-term. Then still to my surprise very very cloudy but blue. Should I be concerned about the extra pressure ? Very helpful article! oz of muriatic acid Phosphates in pool and spa water can cause a variety of water quality issues, including clouding. That’s because it doesn’t cross your mind when your pool is nice and blue. The pool store told me that my phosphates may be high since my chlorine is depleted. I would shock it and run a boost and 24 hours later there be nothing in it. If you’ve already experienced this, you already know that this won’t solve your green pool. I told him what was going on. I appreciate what you do with this site. I’ve added PhosFree to my pool. no trees around pool area. Is there a chemical compound substitute that I can use instead of the expensive PhosFree products..Example, I use soda ash to raise the PH,,can buy in bulk very cheap. Higher phosphate levels will make such algae growth faster, though there is a limit to such growth rates. 4.5 out of 5 stars 553. When phosphate levels are high, the saltwater chlorinator cannot produce enough chlorine to fight off the algae. Chlorine is a standard component to any swimming pool maintenance program. You can liken phosphates to adding gasoline to a fire; gas didn’t start the fire, but it sure will spread quickly if added. There are several methods you can use to eliminate and prevent algae in your pool all season long. Phosphates in Swimming Pools . There is alot of sediment on the bottom, how do iget that out without it spreading into the water?? Great article. Had my water tested for phosphates. The first step to fighting phosphate, like anything pool related, is to test for what the levels are. I wouldn’t jump in right away because you want the chemicals time to mix with the water. Since phosphates are so abundant and used in such a wide range of applications, it can “come from” almost anywhere. So if your pool is resisting and constantly turning green no matter what you throw at it, you likely have a phosphate issue. Their free test doesn’t include phosphates, from what I can see. $57.00 $ 57. Algae can’t go in a properly chlorinated pool. I cannot keep chlorine in my pool. Small amounts of algae are introduced into pool water in various ways, such as on fallen leaves, and phosphates are nutrients the algae uses to grow in the pool water. This also results in the rapid usage of chlorine bleach in the water. As a result, if your pool is filled by public water, there’s a good chance you will have some phosphates in your pool from the start (and every refill). Still on the look hour for one. My other water parameters are ph high 8.4, ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm, calcium 460 ppm, magnesium 1200ppm, kh corbonate 10kh, and phosphate .25, temp 77-81. Its been 3 days. Biodex phosphate remover plus, it’s expensive but the best chemical I’ve come across. We are gonna try the remover first. It sounds as if we never needed the phosphate remover at all and that the test was inaccurate. Phosphates can enter your pool a few different ways: leaves and twigs, dirt, bugs, fertilizers and pesticides, swimmers, adding water to the pool, and phosphorous-based pool cleaners. Is there anything left that I can try besides emptying the pool and refilling? We treated it with Phosphate Remover and after 24-48 hours I noticed that the PSI had increased a fair amount and the SWG “no flow” light was on (which had never previously been a problem). After using phosphate remover pool water got extremely cloudy. My biggest concern is I can’t keep a chlorine reading in my water. There’s so much to learn and I dread the consequences of any mistakes. I have not found a home remedy phosphate remover yet. Last week the same thing started happening. Likewise, fertilizers and pesticides can easily blow in with a breeze or through run-off. LESLIE’S NO PHOS 2 TREATMENTS THEY WERE 4800 WHEN I STARTED! So what happens when the store clerk tells you your water has a high amount of phosphates? Now PH 7.8 (H) Need to lower to 7.4 or 7.6 / Shock the crap out of it. The presence of phosphates in the pool is an invitation to algae formation. I’ve learned that if a salesman brings up a brand new product that is “guaranteed” to fix my issue, I do my research before pulling the trigger. Many problems have been solved just reading the info posted in the email messages with the links to the articles. Looking forward to late spring 2018!!!! Stain removers and metal sequestrants can cause a spike in phosphates. Help? I plan to return this stuff and look elsewhere for pool supplies. The only way to get rid of that haziness is to run your pump and filter and clean your cartridge. Also my Chlorine is reading high right now. If the white particulates are dead algae or some other materials, use a clarifier or better yet a flocculant to capture it and send it to waste. Phosphates are here to stay. There are no trees around it, so aside from some fine pollen and a few bugs, there’s little to no debris floating or sunk in my pool. If you have an algae problem, an algaecide is a much more direct and effective method of correcting it, than independently testing and trying to control phosphate levels. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,212. Once you get it to 500, weekly/2-weekly phosfree treatment should maintain it without cleaning the filter every time. Contaminants like makeup, lotions, shampoos, dirt, leaves, and other pool chemicals like scale and stain products account for the majority of the phosphates in your pool. The system uses electricity to turn salt into chlorine, which cleans the pool. According to Health Canada, algae are not hazardous by themselves, but they reduce the effectiveness of pool sanitizers such as chlorine. After treating with commercial grade Phosfree and the highest strength phosphate reducer it is still testing at 4000 to 5000 ppb. This is because those phosphate agents clog the filter. Orthophosphate levels should remain below 100-125 ppb (parts per billion). They did try to sell my a phosphate remover specifically for salt water pools, but the kid had already given me the bottle to use for pool water samples, so I passed on it. if so, times it by four to be on the safe side. They contribute to algae growth by feeding the algae, and, when the algae organism dies, it releases more phosphates into the water, feeding more new algae and creating an unhealthy cycle. Magic! Nov 21, 2013 #11 goodtimes … Grabs those tiny particles your sand filter can’t. I purchased POSfree per the recommendation of the pool supply store. My home pool 23,000 Gl Paster Pool / Phosphates might enter your pool one of several ways, but rainwater is not one of them. Now, you have a green pool AND white sediment at the bottom of your pool. Hello by mistake I poured 32 ounces of phosphate remover in my 10,000 gallon pool instead of 8. I took the water down to have it tested. Next, take a soapy shower to minimize the chances of a salt water pool rash. High Phosphate Level. How do You Control Phosphate Levels in a Pool? Hope it does the trick. A garbage bag would be a good solution. Chlorine is now gone. 95. Take a look at this: How to Clean a Green Pool? Or does it? I am using ro/di water for my top offs and when I mix my salt water I feed frozen food every other day but only 1 ice cube. Is it normal for this stuff to make the pool cloudy? You say everything is good, but then you say a pool tech told you to add phosFree. Usually, swimmers bring the majority of the phosphates into the pool with them. and sold me a $60 bottle of their “Perfect Weekly” which doesn’t even say what the ingredients are, or how much to add. Your email address will not be published. Phosphate at 2450 after one treatment of phosfree. My phosphates are around 5600 and that’s after a bottle of remover. Only dropped 100 after first treatment. The water turns green even though you’re adding the same amount of chlorine tablets, but you are not accounting for the higher levels of stabilizer. Going to buy phosphate remover today. Black spot algae can make your pool surface unattractive, as can yellow algae. A manually dosed chlorine pool usually requires a minimum FC that is 7.5% of the CYA level, but an SWG does superchlorination in the SWG … We are having exactly the same problem as Laurie. Salt level is ok. Hello! Sounds like this won’t necessarily clear up the pool so I’m not sure what’s happening to the pool. Still no chlorine. There are two ways to remove phosphates in pool water: It worked. Regardless of how it happens, if phosphates are allowed to remain present in pool, spa, or pond water, they will be reduced to orthophosphates, which are the only form of phosphates that algae can digest. All of our chemicals were in perfect check. API PHOSPHATE TEST KIT for freshwater and saltwater aquariums contains two phosphate test bottles, test kit instructions, one capped glass test tube, and two color cards to accurately measure phosphate levels in fresh and saltwater aquariums. The exception to this is if there is high TDS or a non-soluble suspended in the water. I have never added a phosphate remover and my T-15 works fine.
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