Best of luck. Laws, they are a wonderful thing, aren’t they? I would really appreciate Any feedback from you, the author of this article, or anyone who has raised these sweet babies! We do have close neighbors. I raise and train big cats and hyenas along with various other dangerous exotic animals. Any recommendations on what the best type of feed is and how often to feed them it? Did tons of research b4 deciding on NDGs… so far so good…. Be inspired here. Meanwhile, the team found that vertical, slit-shaped pupils help small ambush predators like cats and snakes judge the distance of prey and other objects so they know how far they have to pounce. Bless you and thank you. After watching grazing animals at the zoo, though, the researchers found that their eyes rotate to stay horizontally aligned with the ground whether their heads are upright or face down in the grass. You and anyone who keeps bucks please give your views. She warned against gardens and the potential poisoning of the goats, she also mentioned having them in pairs. My husband is always telling me about goats requiring high fences, eating everything…etc. My aim in the future is to buy a farm with at least an acre of land and become as self sufficient as possible and I am doing my homework first. I saw these cuties and totally fell in love, but in all the research I did I couldn’t find anything that gave me as much useful information! My other goat breeds are louder than my nigerians, my nigerians come in to season in the fall only if not bred they will come in for a few more months and not all year round as you say. They are all spoiled with lovins!! I have a goat playground to entertain them. They all have different calls. All I got from what you said was that you don’t like goats. Sorry to say but it’s incredibly hard to get rid of, if not impossible. I hope you find the perfect partner for your wether. For pets, your best choice is probably 2 wethers. An overweight goat can lead to health issues. They provide hours of entertainment as well as being playmates for our youngest child. This is one of the best information sites available for good and bad. You may want to re-read the article. ), you NEED this kind of information. Just provide the shipping address for the person receiving the goat and what you'd like the note to say. I honestly can’t say if they are louder, if you are used to raising goats, they probably won’t be any different. Try to ignore. During the Crusades, the Templars were money-lenders who did business with King Phillip of France. I’m Amber- wife, mother of three, author, homesteader, DIY-er, teacher, tv talent, blogger, and live off-grid by the Smoky Mountains. Also, I think it is overlooked that some people are just naturals with raising stock. Thank you for the original article! ALL animals require time and attention so you can expect up front goats need it too. I live my NGD’s. We just this week experienced the aggressive behavior of Hobart the Nigerian Dwarf Goat. Which means you can’t have just one. Just know that you’ve helped educate a lot of people including myself and I am grateful. People don’t think about these things, and the animals are the ones who suffer. I read her site and didn’t come away with negative feelings. I am currently not a goat owner but would like to become one in the future. Some goat breeds require higher fencing but we’ve found this size perfect for our Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Here you will find ways to enjoy your life more by living off the land. It’s okay if goats aren’t right for you, you can still be a homesteader, you can still be self-sufficient. I guess I was just blessed . I made sure he was eating his minerals but also give him a little crushed up zinc since I read that well water might make it hard for his body to absorb zinc. Well that’s just wrong!! Amanda Hayes McCary: We have a Nigerian! Took me several looks at it to make sure. Many people go into animal husbandry without a understanding of how hard it can really be. Anyone getting any kind of animal needs to read about them 1st. Don’t think it conveys what you intended. Please feel free to contact me should you ever have any questions. You can not control breeding or know when to expect kids. Wethered males (two or more) are GREAT pets. We really love the Primal Dog Food brand. I just purchased my first Nigerian goats( I raised and showed dairy goats from 1974 until 2014. Thanks, I have 30 goats, i have raised nigerian Dwarf for 25 years also Mini Nubian, Nubian, Oberhasli, and Mini La mancha. My husband and I have about 1 1/4 acres in a suburban development outside of Raleigh NC. Neutering female goats is a more involved surgical process. Thanks for the article, ignore the negative comments. As someone who, to be honest, has no “use” for them as far as livestock breeding etc…these are things that I think are very important to know since a loving pet is what I want them for. So… get wethers, they never go into heat, you don’t have to milk them. Great suggestion about visiting other goat owners, generally they will be honest about the good and not-so-good sides of raising animals. If its mineral then my guess would be a zinc deficiency, could be copper deficiency (accompanied by a ‘fishtail’, the hair on their tail splits and looks like a fishtail). I have milked my does for over a year straight but depending on how much milk you need to may not want to milk that long and breed more often. Thanks! I looked for the video or audio of the goat noises (where you said “see noise below”) but I don’t see anything. Goats and soda, as it turns out, are complicated icons. It’s because I LOVE NDG’s that I wrote this article. I love them very much, I only breed them once a year because they are my babies lol. I have had to explain to people why you can’t just get one goat and tie it out in the yard to ea…See More, Lisa J Verge: It is an excellent article. It is good to see someone being responsible and giving the details. You should at least say that not all nigerian goats are exactly as you say they are. I believe in adding the possible concerns that may arise with any animal a person is considering and that’s what you did. Males and females should not be kept together (see “Space” above). You can sometimes find them at rescue shelters as well. Her article is an excellent one for people that don’t know anything about goats. I do not agree with this lady at all, what she says all breeds of goats will do that…..each breeds has its own personality, but each goat has its own to. So do some research, visit other people with goats that have had good results and learn from them, and then buy a few loving goats.Alice. Not sure if they only read the title and not the article, but anyone who cares about livestock would only want their best interest at heart, which is why I wrote this. They have fresh hay at all times and of course fresh water, their favorite snacks are pretzel chips and banana chips. You are so kind to leave a reply, thank you so much. This article isn’t for those that have goats and already know how to practice good animal husbandry. The Three Billy Goats Gruff can't wait to cross the bridge and eat the sweet green grass that's on the other side. HA HA on me! Goats do not graze and they won’t replace your lawnmower. It’s easy to think when you’re getting an animal that time will come from some intangible fairytale place. I’ve thought about getting some because they produce more milk than the NGD’s but aren’t as big. Why Did COVID-19 Cases Dramatically Decline In India? Our Pygmy and an Alpine kid this week. I simply just don’t like them. After all, they don’t want a bunch of dead kids in the spring, which is what this study says will happen if you don’t feed your does grain during the middle of their pregnancy. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. If you’ve ever wondered what do goats eat, this is an extensive list, especially if your goats are the type to eat relatively anything. I believe there is a breeder in NC- not sure how close you are to NC. She in in with two other does neither which have this condition. I wrote this article so people would know all the goods with the bads, not buy goats just because they are cute then get rid of them when they realize they are work and do need care. I was hoping later to find someone with a buck to kid. We have a GREAT list of goat names for you to choose from here. Hi Amber, Thank you for this article. And you are correct, if people don’t love them they shouldn’t get them- that will be my new reason #10, thanks for the idea! We now have a single buck and he shares a fence line with the does so he’s not alone. Sam Crandall If folks aren’t mad at ya, you’re not doing your job. We have 6 ft fencing and have come home more than once to our neighbors kindly bringing our girls home. Its not fair for the animal….See More. I was planning on starting with just two does. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They know when it is feeding time. I thought it was actually very loving towards the breed to let people know what is required and what they need to think about. Mine are 4H projects for kids. I’m sure a goat in heat, bleating, will sound much louder here to neighbors than if we lived in the country on the same amount of land. They are small like a large dog so one acre is plenty of area to roam. I own Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and I will probably own them the rest of my life. triplets all boys /whether. Oh, my goaty’ goodness are they loud. Loud. Today I have no more problems! You would be surprised how many hateful comments I’ve had to delete, calling me a goat-hater and many other choice names. Regardless of the form of goats milk that you purchase, you can easily add it to their meal. Maybe we wouldn’t see so many livestock in rescue and abandoned. We are registered breeders so when you’re ready I would be happy to get you started! We do the rest! Long term plan is to keep chickens, ducks, rabbits and goats (mainly for the milk). Some people think goats are a hobby, some people think goats are an investment, I think goats are a lifestyle. All other items apply to any breed of goat. In addition, many of these unwanted goats end up homeless and in rescue because the previous owners didn’t know what to expect going in. Why do people troll? Since you have goats and love them, you know things aren’t always rainbows and sunshine. A lot of people won’t mention the things that annoy them when they’re busy singing the praises of their favorite animals. Before you start shooting the messenger and accuse me of wrecking your homesteading dream or saying I’m a goat-hater, let me explain myself. Raising animals of any kind is not all rainbows, it is work and responsibility. Thanks for this article. I have been told that the kiko goat is a good choice for that. Since people are specifically looking for mini breeds for urban homesteads, I wanted to share my knowledge pertaining to NGD’s. But we think it’s well worth it. Great information. Can 22 inch goats really jump a 4 foot fence? No HOA! Ugh neighbors, when will they learn to mind their own business? I hate it that some of you have bad experiences because you did not learn how to care for goats before you got them and then blame it on the goat and give Nigerian dwarf goats a bad rep. Using goats is a great way for Ford to introduce folks to the Bronco Sport’s G.O.A.T. I have always dreamed of having goats. They sound like screaming girls. Some does are vocal when they are in heat, but not loud enough for neighbors to hear. I don’t agree that they are noisy and as much of a pain as you say they are. Hey, Y’all! If you’re a hater so am I, love my ND ,s. I love my NDG’s it’s all I raise and because I love them so, I want ALL NGDs to have the best possible life- my reason for writing this article. If you have goats on a smaller property, you may have to feed them hay year-round. He was great and I miss him I guess he was handled a lot when he was being bottle feed but he was so sweet tempered. I think you sharing the negatives and hard parts of rearing animals is definitely needed and often neglected until it is too late. ), there is no guarantee your goat will accept other species as part of its herd, so it’s important to have two goats. Tamera Tergerson: I read the article when you first shared it and thought it was well-written and well-thought out. Thank you! Just keep a close eye on all of them, same as you would any other pet. All goats are herd animals. Male and female goats should not be kept together. It was very informative in my decision as to should I bring a lil goat into my home or not. If I found a sore I would spray the sore! Just like shelters go through a vetting process for those wanting to adopt strays, they want to make sure the animals are going to loving homes. I feed her goat chow and first cutting hay. Their horizontal, rectangular pupils seem alien compared to the round pupils of people and dogs and the vertical slits of cats. Thank goodness we rescued the moms and babies. “On the other hand, they must see sufficiently clearly in the forward direction to guide rapid locomotion over potentially rough terrain.”. I am doing my due diligence on educating myself, which is why i came up with your post, to know how to care for them and what to expect. Goats (all goats) are herd animals. I do adore Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and in my opinion, the good far outweighs the bad. I don’t live in a remote area, in fact I am on the last block in town. You cracked me up. Goats can be great pets for kids! Your article very quickly gave me the real things to consider BEFORE buying an adorable little goat to take home. Love them to death but boy are they a hand full! Why goats? I live a couple miles from a herd. He also shares a barn with them but has a separate sleeping stall. We currently have 4 that are pregnant so we will be swimming in baby goats! In a new study, vision scientist Martin Banks has found that the shape of an animal’s pupils is a clue to its place in the food chain. To find out what those advantages might be, the researchers analyzed the abilities of the two pupil shapes and how they could serve the different visual requirements of predators and prey. I, stupidly, got a goat many years ago, while my youngest was using formula I made with goat’s milk (she’s 19 and in college now), knowing nothing NOTHING NOTHING about goats. I greatly appreciate you saying this. Why do goats’ eyes look like that? I really need to evaluate whether I want additional animals on the farmette that will take up time and vet care. Just a FYI # 6 is absolutely not true….Goats DONT eat everything in Sight! A doe in milk could yield one quart per day (sometimes more). She does not have lice and I have minerials and baking soda free choice. Because we live in a development with relatively close neighbors, we needed to stay outside with them during every heat cycle from sun up to sun down to keep the noise at bay and the cops from visiting us. All too often I’m seeing these ads where people are giving away their “pets” because they didn’t educate themselves prior to getting goats. When people say to me they want to get a horse I try to give them the reality of owning one. They aren’t dogs and cant be raised as such. Just be sure to check with your local laws and regulations to make sure you are allowed goats in the first place. Also, she mentioned they have the highest fat content which means really creamy, a good thing for me. Chris Moran: I think it’s a great article! I almost laughed out loud at calling them George. Amber, thank you for this eye opening article. I completely understand your post. You mentioned the “weathered” (neutered) goat. ... Goats get pushed off mountainsides by eagles. You are so kind and thoughtful for sharing your comment. Maizey gives her love & hugs! I have 2 acres and no close neighbor’s. It needs a goat buddy. Also what the line skipping word hopping readers aren’t getting is you do so love the lil cuties that you don’t want to see them end up as refugees trying to find new homes and happiness. This porous block ignores fall damage, but mind your step or you will find yourself sinking right through it, greatly limiting your mobility. As you’ve read, I’ve received a lot of flack on this article, but I stand my ground. Thank you! Is she losing hair on her hocks too? I hadn’t had them long just long enough to have my buck breed my two does twice. “Could be either sarcoptic or chorioptic mange. I have to be honest, I’ve never seen a quiet goat. I would spray down the back and rub Backwards with my hands. From homemade remedies to livestock care. So thanks again. The beaches of Tulum are the town’s main attraction for a reason, and the best of the bunch is Playa Paraiso. #8 shouldn’t this say you CAN’T get just one? You are so lucky to have good neighbors. coming in handy as we look into getting goats! I am a retired healthcare worker and have had Nigerians for 30 years. Among wild mice, 90 … Are you saying that there are mini nigerian dwarf goats that are smaller than 22 inches? Although I do agree with you that information should be shared about all goat breeds, I firmly believe in only writing about what I know. Now that we have 46+ acres vs our humble urban homestead, most of the issues we have before are a moot point. She is opening the eyes of potential goat owners so they understand what they are getting into. Anyhow thank you for the information that the cute videos don’t show, it was very helpful. Valentine's Elephant $ 23.95. ... 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Raise Wild Animals as Pets. Just one. All the cuteness wears off and reality starts. You want to minimize rehoming the goats so check the laws first. God bless ya. The babies were stepped on and still wet. I guess I just assumed people know that not ALL NGD’s are identical such as not all dogs, pigs, and even people aren’t 100% exactly the same. Once the girls have their kids, if one produces a buck I will keep him for company for my buck to then I will have four total. The Goats "Greatest Gift Of All Time" Billy Goat Sold out Valentine's Sloth $ 23.95. It also should be obvious that goats need space (if you thought they didn’t before this, you’re not one of those natural animal people most likely). When my females get near their kidding date they get even more loving. Best of luck and keep me posted! I for one love my goats more than anything in the world and you probably shouldn’t have goats if you don’t like them. Pets. 12 Tips for Keeping Goats in the City. We have 9 loving goats. Your comment truly touched my heart and I sincerely thank you. Hopefully I can make this a reality one day. I was not expecting either to kid as the Pygmy constantly looks pregnant. I hate to see people bash such beautiful little goats, just because she doesn’t like them. just a quick note of thanks for all your info! Yes Goats do climb trees and for a very good reason. I can’t believe the flak you’ve gotten in the comments! Thanks again for taking the time to comment. Just a little education before you buy your goats will prevent most all unfavorable issues. Sometimes it’s really tough. 5 ft tall welded 2×4″ wire. Skin problems have become more of an issue for both man and beast thus I turned to Essential oils for answers. But when she went to work, you could hear that poor, lonely goat crying for hours a day. Some goats are good milkers and some are not. If it’s serious then you can give an injection (sub Q) ivermectin or dectomax – 1cc per 100 lbs of weight and then repeat in 7 days and again another 7 days later. 3. Goats are jumpers and climbers. For a land animal that’s in danger of being eaten by something else and has few options besides being aware of its surroundings and running away, the researchers say that a long horizontal pupil seems to be ideal. We have 6 ft fencing and have come home more than once to our neighbors kindly bringing our girls home. I’m looking forward to exploring your site more. Poor thing was probably dumped like an unwanted dog. Now, goats aren't the only reason why you should think twice about traversing the mountainside. That is great that you offer them fresh hay at all times. You need to share pics when your doe kids! Too funny, yes- they are work but well worth it in my opinion. Mine are very lovable and sweet. I have wanted Nigerian dwarf goats myself. You information is correct about following certain lines, but I have not had anymore problems. I average about 1/2 – 1 cup pf grains per day per goat. If you don’t want milk, just pets, keep wethers. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I love my goats, but I only have 2 now because they are a lot of work. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I think bloggers sometimes add a bit of glamour to things and only show the upsides of homesteading, farming, gardening. Thank you. The predator-prey divide in pupil shape suggests that the hunters and the hunted gain some advantage from having a specific type of pupil. She does butt everyone else. Sometimes it’s tough, demanding, and time consuming. Weathers can be kept with a buck at any age, however, you will always want to introduce them progressively like with any new animal. If you don’t have the adequate space, consider getting a smaller livestock like chickens or rabbits. I adore baby goats. Grains should only be about 10% of their food with hay and forage being 85% and the minerals the rest. thank you! I too had to provide recent test papers for health before approval. Do does and withers do well together or are same sex better together? Hint: only bored goats will behave rebelliously, so get them more space with plenty of fresh forage and they will be happy , We are in ❤ with our Nigerians!! I hired buck service and took my does in heat to a registered buck that was tested for disease. Any time you want outside he came running wanting scratched. I may be able to connect you with a registered breeder. I have 2 Nigerian Dwarf does. If you do move forward in your decision to get goats, I highly suggest looking for a farmer/goat owner to see if they offer any training or workshops. Nigerians are very loving, sweet, docile. Early Learning through stories, music, movement and songs with Liz Kitchen. Truly a big thank you for posting such an informative look into their needs, without making us humans feel bad for not knowing everything! Best of luck on your homesteading journey and please keep me posted. That’s right up there under ” loud goats” for good reasons not to have these adorable screamy monsters who ruin your cloths, rip off eyeglasses and stomp them for you. Valentine's Sloth $ 23.95. I have been considering for a while getting 2 and you gave me some things to think about; didnt discourage me, but rather armed me with the proper knowledge to own them successfully where THEY are happy too and not just me!! The kids learn so much about every aspect of taking care of animals and choosing animals. And for that matter, why do cats’ eyes look the way they do? They are so personable and adorable. Not to mention the emotional ups and downs wondering if they were going to live or not and giving them iv’s and meds. I separate my males when my does become pregnant and are kidding, although they are very curious. Our love for our goats and our desire to see goats treated properly is the reason why I share this information. Even from someone who knows essentially nothing about the animals, I can call BS on the people who say “Oh, you never hear them.”. We have had Nigerian dwarfs since 2012 and have never had a doe that comes into heat monthly. I dont think it is fair that you single out the Nigerian for your 9 reasons not to have them. Predatory animals that ambush their prey tend to have vertical slit pupils, while herbivores that are prey for other animals usually have horizontal pupils. That doesn’t mean you can place a goat with a horse or a dog and it will be okay, they need another goat companion. Modes. From the above research, we can derive four reasons why Satan is represented as a goat. There is never anything at all wrong with giving people information so they can make the best choice for them and the animals they might get. Unfortunately, Phillip owed the Templars a large sum of money, but instead of paying them, he decided to have them captured and tortured into confession. I will edit my article to make sure people understand these observations are not 100% true to every single goat. I wont be doing for a while but am the type of person who likes to do my research thoroughly beforehand which includes the good and the bad. Inexpensive to Own. Meg Fickel: So much YES!!! Once again, thank you for taking the time to comment. Their raw goat’s milk is sold frozen and should be kept in the freezer until ready for use. Really, they’re the backbone of any diet, including yours. We are about to embark on a goat adventure and want to be ready. Good article. new baby goats are on the way! They will also need shelter, a milking station, birthing station, place to store the hay, and play area. I live in a very small lot but we are zoned agricultural and there is no HOA. Mine are only loud when it’s feeding time. This is another sign of kidding. Probably you have heard of Argan oil”Moroccan oil”. The correct answer largely depends on your neighbors, how much land you are fencing in and your budget. The bucks will continue to try to mate with pregnant does, thus injuring the does and risk losing the pregnancy. Bucks can become aggressive and they are very stinky (very). As long as you have an area that can have 500 sq. They become half goat, half jumping bean. Easy keepers, they grow fast, kid without help, no hoof trimming, and seldom worming. No heat cycles, calmer, quieter, less overall worries, and as a bonus- cheaper to buy. Thanks, Amber. I guess some people only have one way of thinking. Have raised,shown and milked Alpines and nubians for years and every word you say is true. May get Nubians in the future, but it looks like we will need to start with NDG’s to build up our experience. What type of fencing would you recommend? I, for one, am REALLY glad to have read it. I lock the does and kids in the barn in their own stalls for their own safety. Terrible. This article did open my eyes to their needs. I own 12 nigerian does, and 2 bucks. Amber… THANK YOU so much for the invaluable and super informative information while having a great sense of humor! With the bucks, you just band them at a young age. Chelsea Oram: I cannot even tell you how many ducks and geese and chicks I get right after Easter. Forgive me but if this is what she has it would be best to retire her so the gene is not passed on. We did use the welded wire 4×4″ squares and they get their heads stuck all the time. Amber, I had to give up my ND’s when I got disabled. I totally agree with you Alice, I have had the Nigerians and love them to death. Karch Hate mail?? Thank you for this article. Thanks. (Groom, mane, and tail). If you want to know more about chickens, quail, and goats, The Happy Chicken Coop is the place to be! I do want to ask… One of the reasons I thought about getting these goats is a very good friend of mine had one for years and loved it! We live on 1.68 acres and have chickens, ducks, and 2 sheep. They have very distinct personalities, they eat EVERYTHING, they love to play (my husband built them a teeter totter) and they are definitely not animals to buy and just leave in the yard. As I mentioned in the article, we live in a very close development with neighbors all around with 1/3 acre. Either way I would never own anything other than a Nigerian dwarf. I do have some wonderful goat cheese in the fridge and a great goat owning community to support me. One needs to know the pros and cons of any animal one wishes to purchase and not go in all pie-eyed about it. This is not a situation where you want to ask for forgiveness later instead of permission now. But sometimes for the person trying to become self-sufficient, not so much. It was her best friend and went everywhere with her LOL You always hear about their energetic, playful and friendly Personalities. If you don’t have a lot of free time to spend with them, you may want to look into livestock that requires less hands-on.