Perhaps you've wondered if his behavior is a normal part of relationship dynamics. You should consider getting some sort of video surveillance around your residence and in your vehicle. Eventually, he told me to have a nice life and stormed away, and that was it for a while until he started trying to talk to me again. Because you need to know if your dating one of these guys. He found me on Facebook after another friend of ours did and started sending me messages there; I didn't want to speak to him so I wouldn't always respond, and sometimes he would send me multiple messages if I didn't get back to him. 2.kept chatting (as of a friend ), because I felt sympathetic After all, you are a woman and he is a man. What action can you take when your dealing with a man that has mental issues? The Obsessed Lover The lovesick who cannot eat or sleep are legion. Annoying what to do. If you’re feeling a little suffocated — but think this guy has potential — just tell him that you really like him yet feel best scheduling one hangout per week based on your workload and social … He just can’t understand that, “No,” means, “No.” And he needs to understand that. If you have problems with any of the steps in this article, please ask a question for more help, or post in the comments section below. After thinking for a long time I figured out possible answers to these questions: he, indeed, could've been on the verge of a break up with the other girl (probably because he was losing control over her) and he needed someone to replace her. I told him I made it clear I didn't want to talk to him, and he raised his voice, basically repeating the same argument without caring that there were customers around and he was still clocked in. Bu, don’t worry, there are a lot of people out there who are your perfect match and most importantly, are ready to make you the object of their affection—but in a healthy way. Does he show up at random places like he is following you? Should I expect another blow up when he finds out that this method won't work for him? And the worst thing is that you can’t do anything about that. He's literally obsessed over me. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, 370,000 men are stalked annually -- one in 45 men. Make sure that you are not left in a room with him without someone else present. I just need insight from someone who really understands obsessive behavior conform or not my suspicions and guide me in what I should or shouldn't do. Your feelings will begin to disappear the more you do not speak with him. Making friends with family and friend of friends telling lies to my boyfriend's sister that I had a short relationship with him. He will call you, send you messages and buy you gifts. He called my friend then and told her that she should break up with him (even though they weren't really dating, for he already had a girlfriend - but in his head, they were a couple). What to do if he will not stop sitting by you and staring at you at bumping into you with no reason? I just want to know if this abuse or obsession or both. She said he makes her laugh and is a good companion, but she is not crazy about him. Major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder rarely appear “out of the blue.” Most often family, friends, teachers or individuals themselves begin to recognize small changes or a feeling that “something is not quite right” about their thinking, feelings or behavior before a illness appears in its full-blown form. So I decided to text this man, tell to stop following me and I don't love him back. If you are not quite sure if your man is obsessed with you, here are some warning signs of obsessive love: I know it feels nice when he spends a lot of time with you at the beginning of your relationship. If you feel he doesn’t want to say what he thinks just so you wouldn’t get angry, it is a sign of obsession. . How do I take control of my feelings and learn how to say no? Would you like to give back to the community by fixing a spelling mistake? If that doesn’t work, I guess he is not the right man for you! At the very beginning of their relationship, this guy made plans for their wedding, the children they will have and after they started officially dating, he told her that they will be together for the rest of their lives, that they will soon get married and have babies and that he won't let her abandon him. Bear in mind that you need to have a man who will be totally independent and not someone who will come to you to solve every problem he has. Many abusive men, especially the nonviolent ones, will keep the worst behavior behind closed doors. If you’re a little obsessed with him, you won’t be able to get him out of your mind. Many go so far as to harass and stalk the lover who spurned them. Ignoring him. It is normal that you don’t think the same. A guy who talks about marriage and kids after the first date is not a mentally healthy person. At one point I had headphones in and we were sitting in the break room alone; he came and sat at the table across from me and talked looking at me, but said he was just talking to himself. I told him my family will never approve of this. I think he was obsessed with me once. Calling you names is not okay no matter what age you are. But I find it hard to believe I'm wrong. Jealousy and insecurity are often part of a stalker's personality, and often the stalker is simply not right in the head or aware of what they are doing because they have been taught that possessive behavior is part of a romantic experience. As he tell me in the past he use to be bully and he was just a rebel child. I suggest you talk to him openly and tell him that he can be honest with you even if the two of you don’t want the same thing. To be safe, you should also have a trusted person in your life as a point of contact. He, once again, begged her not to leave him. Please help. And how can you avoid becoming obsessed with a woman or man that you like? Okay, we have all daydreamed about our wedding day with some hot dude we saw on the street but to actually go up to that person and start talking about it, that’s insane! I was so compelled by peer pressure to call him. Its been 3 years. I think it was caused by: My boyfriend broke up with me when he came out of jail in March. : The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism, $11, Amazon. Didn’t keep posted about your whereabouts; 6. . But he would force me to be in relationship. But as soon as you get a sniff of any of the above signs, run for the heels. For instance, if he repeatedly expects you to turn away your friends to spend time with him, be aware that there is a problem. Surprises you at your get-togethers; 9. I was seeing this guy for 3vyears.he started showing a lot of jealoysy.acusding me of doing things I wasn't doing.I have told him to leave me alone.but he doesn't accept it.he shows up at my jib.