Is this essential oil safe for dogs? Why Is Lemongrass Essential Oil Poisonous to Cats. Marissa Taffer is a consultant, writer and strategist based in Philadelphia. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Properly diluted, Ginger essential oil is non-irritating and safe to … Avoid high concentrations of the oil. If you’re seeing other signs of toxicity in your dog it could be that you have misidentified the plant or that the plants were treated with pesticides or that your pet has also eaten another toxin. 2. If you think your pet may have lemongrass poisoning, the signs you’ll want to look for include: An obstruction caused by the hard fibrous part of the lemongrass or another irritant could cause your dog to vomit. Many liquid potpourri products and essential oils, including oil of cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to dogs. If diffusing, allow your dog to leave the area–don’t shut the dog in an enclosed space with the diffuser without a way out. Pennyroyal (aka squawmint)–This oil is sometimes used in products to treat fleas. 5 Essential Oils That Are Toxic to Dogs. While it is safe to have lemongrass in your garden even if you have a dog, you do not want your dog to eat it. Your essential oil diffuser could be poisoning your cat or dog Never use essential oils at full strength on any animal. itchiness, burning, sloughing. If you want to learn more about our fresh, human-grade food, check out Additionally, due to its pleasant smell and flea and tick repellant nature, Lemongrass essential oil is sometimes used in soaps, shampoos or for both humans and pets. Unlike dogs, people and horses, cats lack a liver enzyme (glucuronyl tranferase) required to break down the components of most essential oils, including lemongrass. Show any symptoms, even mild, of possible harm or toxicity. Rabbits 4. The discomfort may come from not being able to digest lemongrass or something else your pet has eaten. Cedar oil is the go-to repellent for many … For more information, read Common Diffuser Essential Oils that may be Toxic to Dogs, Cats, Birds, Etc. View abstract. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Essential oil enthusiasts use these remedies for cleaning, relaxation, health and other reasons. On the other hand, lemongrass oil is non-photo toxic but may have skin sensitization risks. I hope dog parents reading that list Google each oil and check on a dog expert site before using any oils on your babies please ! This plant is used widely in Thai foods, and while it isn’t toxic to humans, it can harm dogs, cats and other wildlife. Pain medication might also be prescribed if surgery was performed, and you may be instructed to remove the lemongrass from your garden, especially if your pet is gravitating towards it. Rather, essential oils are derived from certain volatile compounds within a plant. Tea tree oil–In high concentrations tea tree essential oil (aka melaleuca) can cause adverse effects; however, shampoos containing low concentrations are okay. It seems to be very useful as a natural pest repellent in homes to ward off insects. If your pet is experiencing these symptoms you’ll want to take them to the vet immediately to get treatment. J Food Drug Anal 2018;26(1):432-8. Essential oils are highly concentrated and therefore your pet will need to consume only a little for it to have a toxic effect. Lemongrass essential oils are sometimes recommended as a “natural” bug repellent for dogs but due to the possibility of topical irritation and GI upset if your dog were to lick it off, I do not recommend using it on your pup. Eating excessive amounts of plant material can cause dangerous intestinal blockages in canines. This should not be confused with the Citronella plant (Cym… Be sure to follow product directions carefully and do not use more frequently than recommended. Can cats eat lemongrass? The plan could include: Once your pet is stabilized your vet will give you instructions for how to help your pet recover. I never post comments but had to, I lost my little boy this August he was 15 he would have been 16 on 2/19 he had heart murmur I miss him so much it’s so hard & I couldn’t imagine losing a Baby by putting something toxic on them because of this list how … Cymbopogon citratus, which has a large bulb similar to a scallion, is often found in Thai cooking. Your email address will not be published. © 2021 OLLIE PETS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In fact, these oils have been scientifically proven to cause health problems in pets such as skin sensitivities, allergies, and interference with their body’s natural settings. Cats should not eat lemongrass including Cymbopogon citratus or oil grass.It is toxic to cats, dogs, and even horses note ASPCA.. Its toxicity arises from both the cyanogenic glycosides and essential oil which will cause stomach upsets in your feline friend. These include: cypress, lemongrass, bergamot, geranium, citrus, tea tree, kukui nut, lavender, myrrh, marjoram, Rosemary, and sweet orange. Lemongrass plants (Cymbopogon citratus) are listed as safe for use in gardens in which dogs have free access. Leave the room immediately? The short answer is: NO. Cats are different from some other household pets such as dogs, as well as humans, in that they do not have a liver enzyme that breaks down oils. “Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon flexuosus and Cymbopogon nardus or C. winterianus. Regardless of the variety in the kitchen, it can be used fresh, dried and/or powdered and as an essential oil. While the grass itself isn’t toxic and the larger concern is their ability to digest it, the essential oil can be toxic to your pet depending on which variety of lemongrass it was distilled from. Respiratory irritation–e.g. She lives and works with her rescue dog Charlie, a certified therapy dog. You’ll want to watch your pet closely if you think they’ve eaten too much lemongrass, especially the dried or woody stalked variety as dogs stomachs are not designed to digest that much vegetable or grassy matter. 15 Essential Oils that are Toxic to Dogs - Essential Oil Nerd Without harming your cat, you can diffuse lemongrass in your home in moderation. No. If ingested, these components build up and can reach toxic levels or cause liver damage. Lemongrass, also called oil grass, comes from the Poaceae family. Individual cats are different. I started this site to share all the neat stuff I found out about these tiny little bottles. Hello there! This may need surgical intervention to remove the obstruction. While you probably are not sharing your takeout with your pet, you may be wondering if it is safe or healthy for your pet to enjoy this exotic flavor. The most common essential oil which is used mistakenly on pets is Tea Tree, or Ti Tree Essential Oil. Tea Tree essential oil can impose debilitating toxicity levels in dogs and cats just through inhalation. If your dog has underlying respiratory conditions such as asthma or allergies, certain essential oils can also exacerbate those conditions. While your pet should not eat citronella, it can be useful as a flea, tick and mosquito repellant. Concentrated essence of lemongrass (essential oil) could be harmful to cats, because unlike people and dogs, they lack certain liver enzymes to break down various compounds that, if not eliminated from the body, could prove to be toxic. Other potentially severe, less common symptoms also include gait unsteadiness, depression, lethargy, weakness, ulcers, hypothermia, rear leg paralysis, seizures, Carrot Seed (Daucus carota)–Should avoid with pregnant dogs, Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica or Juniperus virginiana), Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita)–aka blue chamomile, Chamomile, Roman (Anthemis nobilis or Chamaemelum nobile), Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)–Should avoid with pregnant dogs, Ravensare aromatica (Cinnamonum camphora). I'm Mylinh, and I'm a big fan of essential oils. Observe your dog’s behaviors–does he/she show displeasure or act weird after an initial exposure? Pine Oils–These oils are sometimes used in cleaning products. Is your dog a picky eater? Animals that haven’t reached maturity (Juveniles) 7. Diffusing oils can be fatal to cats and dogs … Small dogs 5. Theme by 17th Avenue. 1. I made this list as a quick go-to guide for using oils with your sweet pup: 1. panting, coughing, wheezing. The short answer to this is yes, it can have some harmful effects if ingested. Lemongrass oil is not safe for dogs because it contains higher amounts of cyanogenic glycosides and essential oils. Pregnant animals 6. Lemongrass is a member of the grass family but there are actually many varieties. If you use the shampoo or bug repellent as directed it is perfectly safe for your pet. Let’s now focus on lemongrass oil versus the safety of your dog. That being said, canines are not herbivores, so their digestive systems are not designed to process large quantities of plant material. Additionally, you may see an essential oil recommended for a specific use, while it isn’t safe for a different application. Secure all diffusers. The other important consideration is the form of lemongrass your pet consumed. OR you don’t use 100% pure therapeutic grade Essential Oils (because cheaper grades and many “blends” aren’t safe for dogs). Eating an excessive amount of lemongrass can cause an intestinal blockage. Concentrated as an essential oil, lemongrass can poison cats. Consider avoiding diffuser use if your dog has an underlying medical condition, especially if it’s respiratory in nature. The vet will be able to help you monitor your pet to make sure he doesn’t suffer from a blockage or other symptoms of lemongrass poisoning. We've got yummy options! Many essential oils can be used topically but not internally. When you get to the vet your doctor will do a quick exam of your dog and possibly run blood tests and take some X-rays. Essential Oils That Can Be Toxic To Dogs. Cymbopogon flexuosus, also called Cochin Grass or Malabar Grass, is native to India, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand and also used in cooking.” Cymbopogon nardus is actually where citronella oil is derived from. Make sure that your dog can’t knock any over or accidentally lick it or ingest oils from it. Lemongrass is a part of the same plant family as Citronella, a common ingredient used as a bug repellent. This is toxic to both cats and dogs, and shouldn’t even be applied to humans in the same room as your pets! Some products may contain an oil on the unsafe list but have proper dilution with very low concentration which may then make it safe for use. “The most common symptoms for cats and dogs exposed to diffused essential oils are drooling, vomiting, coughing, and sneezing. If pets lick up spills of these oils, they can experience chemical burns and other toxic effects. Cedar Essential Oil. Constipation may also be caused by a blockage making it impossible for your pet to relieve himself. Tips, Advice & Stories for Dog Owners - Dog Eared Newsletter. These tests will help the doctor determine the appropriate treatment plan. These Include, “Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon flexuosus and Cymbopogon nardus or C. winterianus. Make sure the area is well-ventilated. Effects of lemongrass oil and citral on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes, oxidative stress, and acetaminophen toxicity in rats. The Dog Food Marketing Terms You Should Beware Of, Therapy to flush out the mass if an intestinal blockage is seen, Inducing vomiting if another toxic substance is detected and it is indicated, Activated charcoal to bind and remove toxins, Surgery to remove the blockage if it is severe enough. So if they ingest lemongrass oil the compounds in the oil will build up in their liver causing considerable damage. The Ollie blog is devoted to helping pet parents lead healthier lives with their pups. Oregano – While you want to keep your dog’s contact minimal, when properly diluted with a carrier oil or used in very small amounts, this essential oil can provide some benefits for canines with poor respiratory health. Lemongrass essential oil, though, is a different story altogether. Lemongrass is a common ingredient in both Thai and Vietnamese cuisines. Please check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription. It also makes it easier to give essential nutrients without upsetting his stomach. Always dilute essential oils before use. Examine the labels of your dog products containing any essential oils to ensure they are formulated specifically for dogs. Toxic Principles: Essential oils, cyanogenic glycosides Clinical Signs: Dogs, cats: Stomach upset; Horses: difficulty breathing, weakness, death (rare) If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible. Birds 2. Cats 3. Essential oils are definitely having their moment right now as families all over the country trade in their chemical-heavy household products for them. Always dilute oils! While essential oils are 100% natural, it doesn’t mean they’re always safe to use around our pets. There are some oils that you want to avoid if you have an allergy to the skin of a dog. Concentrated essence of lemongrass (essential oil) could be harmful to cats, because unlike people and dogs, they lack certain liver enzymes to break down various compounds that, if not eliminated from the body, could prove to be toxic. Essential oils are highly concentrated and therefore your pet will need to consume only a little for it to have a toxic effect. An error occurred, please try again later. An obstruction from eating large pieces of lemongrass can cause your pet’s abdomen to enlarge. Many essential oils, such as eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, wintergreen, and ylang ylang are toxic to pets. This plant is the source of citronella oil and is mildly toxic to your cat. Dogs are not herbivores and their digestive systems are not designed to handle large quantities of plant matter. WIntergreen Oil–This oil contains methyl salicylates, also commonly known as aspirin. Skin irritation–e.g. If you suspect your pet has eaten all of your lemongrass plants (either from your garden or stolen off the counter) you will want to call your vet. Oils used improperly can also lead to changes in behavior, adverse central nervous system effects, and respiratory problems — all of which can be serious. You’ll want to be sure to use citronella products specifically designed for dogs and follow the instructions carefully. Many tests and $1,200 later, the diagnosis was acute feline anemia. Most of the time the issue is a blockage or complication since they can’t digest the lemongrass properly. Here’s a short video for you. Utilizing eucalyptus oil may be an extremely effective solution to get rid of fleas and some other parasites, and it is also an excellent way to relieve the cough of your dog without needing toxic medications, bug sprays and repellents that can possibly harm the dog. Cats are especially sensitive to many essential oils and even just a couple of licks can be harmful. Should Sunflower Oil Be Part of Your Pup’s Diet? If you have any questions consult the manufacturer or your pet’s doctor. Lemongrass essential oil is highly concentrated, and it is toxic to cats if ingested. Repels & Kills Fleas and Ticks. Citronella is derived from a different species of lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus). The upset stomach from eating too much lemongrass or a pesticide on the plan could cause your dog to have diarrhea. These may include providing a prescription or bland diet to help keep his stomach settled as he recovers.