This process is called Eutrophication. Without oxygen life on earth in its present form would not be possible. This also applies to for life in water and thus to your pond. Oxygen content of pond water. As the algae and other water plants grow they will consume the dissolved oxygen presence in the water of the pond and make oxygen depletion/ reduction in the pond. Dissolved oxygen is reduced by the biological decay of organic material such as decaying plants and animals or animal and human wastes. Many farms also … When it rains, excess fertilizer and waste can run off into nearby ponds and streams. Many farms also produce large amounts of animal waste. When it rains, excess fertilizer and waste can run off into nearby ponds and streams. Dissolved oxygen levels below about 6 mg/L can begin to have detrimental effects on pond life. Artificial control of the oxygen budget of water of fish ponds in this case means technical and practical measures which have direct effect on the dissolved oxygen content of the pond water. Draw conclusions: Based on your data, how do farms affect oxygen levels in the pond? Overcome the lack of oxygen in the pond: - Pond needs aeration. Farmers use fertilizers to increase crop growth. The nutrients in these substances can … Using a small bubbler, air pump or aerator adds enough oxygen for most size ponds in the winter. There are many factors that affect the DO concentration in fish retailing tanks. - Do not feed and fertilize with excess doses. Plants and algae do photosynthesis during the day and wind adds oxygen at night. By eliminating stratification and reducing the chances of dense algae and phytoplankton blooms, a pond owner can keep dissolved oxygen levels high and eliminate the stressors to the fish populations. The temperature of your pond water has a profound effect on the amount of dissolved oxygen available in the pond. Oxygenation of pond is quite interesting. A lack of dissolved oxygen is the most common cause of fish kills in ponds. Explanation: The presence of farm means cultivation of rice, sugar, wheat, sugar canes, Flowers, Vegetables etc. This will reduce the concentration of dissolved oxygen. Figure 11. Oxygen content of the pond water can be influenced by two methods; by change of flow rate, and by aeration of pond water. Many farms also produce large amounts of animal waste. Beneficial bacteria out-compete algae for available nutrients thus eliminating the aggressive blooms that can cause dissolved oxygen sags. Farmers use fertilizers to increase crop growth. The oxygen plants produce is released into the pond water and maintains high levels of oxygen in the pond. Dissolved-oxygen levels can be high during most of a 24-hour period, but the response of culture species appears to be affected primarily by the lowest dissolved oxygen concentration during the night. The hotter the water the less oxygen it can hold, therefore cold water holds much more oxygen. 11. If drop waterhyacinth, duckweed or water spinach to make shelter when it's sunny, them gather together in a corner of the pond, do not drop more than 1/3 of the pond surface. In sequence of importance they include: Through the water surface by diffusion. A DO reading of 7 mg/L is desirable, and any reading above that should be considered excellent. It happens in two major ways. It is generally accepted that the minimum daily dissolved oxygen concentration in pond culture systems is of greatest concern. Rectifying a lack of oxygen is simple enough. Algaecides reduce oxygen content as they kill off algae and create organic waste. Turning over the water is the best way to increase oxygen in your pond. Fish load is not the only consideration. Farmers use fertilizers to increase crop growth. Draw conclusions: Based on your data, how do farms affect oxygen levels in the pond? The common error, however, is to rely on more oxygenating plants as these only have some effect. Draw conclusions: Based on your data, how do farms affect oxygen levels in the pond? Pond water is provided with oxygen through a certain number of sources. The more farms the less the oxygen concentration levels. Salinity, water temperature and atmospheric temperatures also affect dissolved oxygen.