It is the Eternal Something. Nobody is born as a father. No one made the Creator of the universe. Now it just so happens that there can be ONLY one reality that does not have a beginning, is not dependent on anything else for its existence, and is not conditioned by time. It is a verbal noun of the Arabic verb qaraʼa (قرأ) meaning 'he read' or 'he recited'.The Syriac equivalent is qeryānā (ܩܪܝܢܐ), which refers to 'scripture reading' or 'lesson'. Next time, make sure you let God lead you to the mate of His choice – not your choice! Since humans measure everything in time, it is very hard for us to conceive of something that had no beginning, but has always been, and will continue forever. He is the eternal, self-existent being. 5. There is no record of his father or mother or any of his ancestors—no beginning or end to his life. He can heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and bless all who follow Him. But God the Father has always been a father to the Son. Dec. 6, 2004 Updated: March 16, 2011 2:25 p.m. Facebook Twitter Email. First Timothy 6:16 notes God's "eternal dominion" or rule. This is how God can be both Father and Son - because he just is! God has no beginning or end . Eternity is a term that we finite creatures use to express the concept of something that has no end – and/or no beginning. Therefore the cause of the universe must be the God of the Bible. 16:26; 1 Tim. This black infinite room has no light, no dust, no particles of any kind, no air, no elements, no molecules. God is with you dear friend. Pay Attention To God! So if everything with a beginning has a cause, and if the universe has a beginning, then it must also have a cause that created it—the First Cause. Etymology and meaning. November 5th, 2012. He existed in the beginning with God (John 1:1). God is even beyond eternity. This is why the Bible calls Him “the Alpha and the Omega (which are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet), the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13). “But here’s the trick: God is everlasting. These inspired words of Paul, although primarily about the uniqueness of God’s wisdom and mercy, suggest that there are aspects of Jehovah God and his workings that are too deep for our minds to fathom. BILLY GRAHAM. But nothing is greater than Ball #1, nor ever could be. Hadoualex/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET If I were a scientist, I'd stick to the Goldman Sachs principle: bet on both sides. He does not acquire His knowledge from a succession of events as we do, (float by float, band by band). But know this. God is outside of space-matter-time, God has no beginning, God is incredibly powerful. The answer is, no one “created” God. Isaiah 48:12. “I will be eternally grateful.” Obviously the gratitude is born out of a particular event and therefore has a beginning point. I've been asking myself how God could have never been born, since he has no beginning and will never die since he has no end. DEAR DR. GRAHAM: Our … And this We Call God. I understand about the end, but I don't understand about having no beginning and no end. God declares, “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done” (Isaiah 46:9-10). The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . I freely admit that we cannot comprehend what that means. He was there before the beginning. It’s a bit unsatisfying - to not wrap our heads around it more - but if we want to have a right idea of who God is and what he is like, it’s necessary to hold these strands together. It is life, infinite life. Psalm 90:2 says, “From forever in the past to forever in the future, you are God.” — Common English Bible. English Standard Version He is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever. - The same Logos whom the writer has just affirmed to have been God himself, was, though it might seem at first reading to be incompatible with the first or third clause of the first verse, nevertheless in the beginning with God - "in the beginning," and therefore, as we have seen, eternally in relation with God. I uploaded this video because I asked God what I could do with my current equipment and talents and he gave me this video idea. However, this verse is not talking about God’s beginning; it’s talking about the beginning of our earth and the universe. He remains a priest forever, resembling the Son of God. Ephesians 3:11 speaks of God's "eternal purpose." 40:28), which is to say, he is eternal as to his very essence (Rom. One reason we have difficulty understanding this is because even time itself was created by God. He can never die.” No tricks necessary, says Sarah, 11: “He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He is outside the realm of time. Quite simply, God has no beginning and no end. As such, it is existence. Here is what the Bible says about who made God: God is eternal. But let’s explore this little further. It might be a good idea to commit these … As part of the Triune God, Jesus Christ is also revealed as eternal in nature. There is nothing God can’t do (except what goes against His nature) and there is nothing He doesn’t know. He is an atheist. If God did come into being, then we would have to ask what it was that brought him into existence. Yes. Isaiah 9:6 refers to God as an "Everlasting Father." Please, if there is anyone in this whole planet who could answer this question, I'd appreciate it. and i feel the call of God to my life, and i have the opportunity to start a ministry because my auntie offered me her building to start there, i feel the compassion to the community i feel that community realy needs God. God is timeless, having no beginning and no end. It exists without need of anything else. He created a universe that has no beginning and no end (Genesis 1:1). God stretches back farther than the mind can imagine. Physics and astronomy have established that the universe had a beginning. It can have no end, for It has no beginning. Verse 2. In fact, we can call it Absolutely Nothing. Hi Pastor, im 27 yrs old from philippines. Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning And from ancient times things which have not been done (Isaiah 46:9-10a). However, we also use it to describe something that persists forever but did have a beginning. They have always existed together because they are one. He always was. For Ball #1 to be destroyed, there would need to be something greater. He had no beginning, and will have no ending. [18] Similarly, Swinburne muses that it is dubious whether a completed infinite series with no beginning but an end makes sense, but he proposes to solve the problem by beginning in the present and regressing into the past, so that the series of past events would have no end and would therefore not be a completed infinite. Verse Concepts. And for atheists who are also willing to … He has always existed -- and He always will. “It is very hard to understand how God can have no beginning and no end,” says Marci, 9. I know that’s hard for us to understand, because everything we see around us had a beginning. The word qurʼān appears about 70 times in the Quran itself, assuming various meanings. He was, he is, and he will always be. . If you do not have at least one “reality which is NOT nothing prior to a beginning” (like God), then you have no reality at all. For instance, it can be shown that the universe is presently expanding outward from an initial point. It therefore cannot be changed by any external forces. He can keep on making the days and live through every one of them. God is everlasting in nature (Isa. Don Batten. “It is very hard to understand how God can have no beginning and no end,” says Marci, 9. Before time began, God already existed! He has ability and power do whatever is His desire. God had no beginning (just as He will have no end); He has always existed, and He always will. 1) God: No beginning, no ending. He had no beginning and he did not create himself. The Bible contains many prophecies that have been fulfilled exactly as predicted. “God is eternal.” In this sense we mean that God’s existence has no beginning. 1:17). legacy Beginning. God isn't like anything -- or anyone else -- in the whole universe. The very first words of the Bible are, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This God is so unlimited in power that time and space cannot bind Him or define Him. You have no idea how some people can change for the worse in your future – but God can – and that is why you have to rely on His knowledge and wisdom as to who you should be marrying in this life. Isaiah 26:4 calls Him an "everlasting rock." “But here’s the trick: God is everlasting. No, you have mis-stated the argument at several points and omitted important steps in the arguments. So here's the question: if originally -- bazillions of years ago -- there was Absolutely Nothing, wouldn't there be Absolutely Nothing now? In human relationship, a man is single before He becomes a father. He is the eternal, self-existing Being. I want to give you 10 Scriptures to remind yourself that God is with you always. Since He can foretell the future, God certainly knows the future. Stephen Hawking comes right out and says it. But God had no beginning! The concept of God’s being without a beginning is apparently one of them. Old Age, Attitudes To No Other Is God Beginning One God Kings Syncretism “Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: ‘I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me. It's absolute nothingness. But, even though we say that God is outside of our time realm, we have to be careful because we don’t know what that means. God had no beginning, and has no end. So, when we ask how did God come into being, the answer is that he did not. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - one God, existing in perfect relationship within himself. (That’s why He had no father or mother.) This brings me back to the One with no beginning and no end.