Your kids can only perform these preapproved musical selections. These three locations cycle throughout the song. (To Rachel) All right, tell me what happened, Rachel. Lucky I prepared for that. ](groans): I just blasted my hammies. I politely decline your offer. Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that aired on the Fox network in the United States from May 19, 2009, to March 20, 2015. Finn: Look, you’re making too big a deal out of this. Rachel: I don’t mean to be rude, but I think she’s overreacting. I saw you playing house with him after hours, Emma. I was wondering what that was all about. Will: Hey, Emma. And it turns out, you need 12 kids to qualify for regionals. You could do a lot worse and in this town, you’re not gonna do much better. What do you say? The Fox musical dramedy focused on the budding relationship between quarterback Finn Hudson and Broadway baby Rachel Berry. My first thought was that your students should be put into foster care. Send us all your burning questions at [email protected] - OR leave a message on the SHOWMANCE … Quinn: Let’s pair up for the “Immaculate Affection.” Now, remember. Oh, yeah, your secret’s completely safe with me. When she realizes what they are doing, she drops her protein shake on the floor. Cut to The entire student body is sitting in the stands of the Ginasyum. Check them out at Amazon – Walmart – CVS – or your local grocery store!Join the LaCroix community on social @lacroixwater or learn more at Get a quote online at in as little as 5 minutes and see how much you could be saving! Emma: I’m gonna go to Tulip-A-Looza. Will initiates some simple choreography and the students mimic him. But you’re the one that should be punished. Finn: I can’t. I got several flashes of panty from your group today, and I’m not talking about the girls. Emma: Okay. You three are going to be my spies. I’m gonna give up the sun nook for the grand foyer. Cups are like the airplane cups. Sue: Keeps your strength up while you’re menstruating. Do you think that the big shots at Sheets N’ Things care that I sell more personal massagers than any other assistant manager? Right here. Will (voice-over): My father always said you become a man when you buy your first house. He thanks her for the advice she gave him and mentions that coaching Glee Club is where he belon… Make sure to follow us on instagram @ShowmancePodcast. Kendra: You are not bringing my niece or nephew home to this apartment. Thanks to a school rule that says we have to let anyone join the club, we’re welcoming a new member this week- Rachel What’s-her-name. So it’s-, Will: I want to try a little experiment. Will: All right. Mercedes: Ugh! Who says a father figure’s necessary, huh? Will: Do you understand what you did today? Nationals. We’re on our way. Become a member at to get 50% off your first order AND free shipping! When pigs fly. Finn: I want to do Glee. Cut to Finchel sitting at the tableon the art room, working on a flyer. Will: Contrary to your beliefs, it’s not all about you. [walks away, and Rachel watches him leave.]. Cut to Finchel on the stage of the auditorium. Cuts back to the prospective home. Featured Songs: Stronger - Baby One More Time - Toxic - I'm a Slave 4 U - Me Against the Music - Sailing - and The Only Exception! Will: And? [nods to Will before stepping around him and walking down the hall.]. I deserve it. This is a good thing, Rachel. It takes me back in the- Like a long time ago, I knew about that. Will turns in surprise and bumps his head against the desk. Finn sees Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich. And when I was eight, we finally visited one and after the tour and the yoghurt tasting my- my brother pushed me into the runoff lagoon. Terri: Yeah. Rachel: Mr. Schuester isn’t coming. Quinn: Ms. Sylvester wants to see you in her office, Mr. Shue. [ begins to hand out sheet music. Rachel: You’re giving Quinn Fabray the solo? Will lets out a scream over the noise and ends it with a laugh. I don’t know how to say this, but you touched something in me. Kendra's Husband sits down, looking dejected. They’re starting construction on a new section of our subdivision. Sue and Will stand on opposite sides of the room. Rachel: Can I use the auditorium later to practice? Rachel glances at Finn and reluctantly moves closer to JACOB, who scoots over excitedly and places his arms on her shoulders. It’s really gay. It’s completely manageable. Finn: Cool. You know, the only project I want to work on now is us. That’s what you are. Audiencias: El episodio número dos de Glee, emitido el 9 de septiembre de 2009, cosechó una audiencia de 7.3 millones de telespectadores. But you will never have him. But I’m an honorable person. Rachel is sitting alone opposite them. Will falls behind. Remember the power motto, girls. It was cool. She taps her gavel to a sound board. The Unholy Trinity stands before him. Will sighs and sinks down under the water. (accepting a cup from  RACHEL) Thanks. It’ll be very rewarding work for you. We are fixing the problem. I’ve been here till 10:00 pm every night up to my elbows in Vamoose! Finn: Oh. Flashforward to a classroom,at night. Cut to The Glee Club is singing and dancing to “Le Freak” in the choir room. I’m a guidance counselor. That was the most offensive thing I’ve seen in 20 years of teaching, and that includes an elementary school production of Hair. Cut to a doctor's office where Terri is lying in an examination chair. (To TERRI) Let’s go sign those papers. She lifts them into the air repeatedly while continuing the conversation.] Glee Scripts Pilot (Season 1 Episode 1) Natasha. Mercedes (To Rachel) :Whoa, whoa! Finn and I have made a connection. Glee kids, hooray! Rachel: I went to the library and I got some sheet music, and I wanted to run some songs by you that feature me heavily on lead vocal. Jenna & Kevin kick off SEASON TWO as they discuss how media attention and real life were reflected in the show's writing - and their reactions to the introduction of Coach Shannon Beiste - Sunshine Corazon - and Sam Evans!! Quinn: I’m sorry, Coach Sylvester, but something is going on between Finn and that thing. Rachel: I officially call this meeting of Glee Club in session. There will be zero tolerance for anyone soiling school grounds. Join the two former Glee stars and best friends as they take you behind the scenes (with all the Glee Tea) and break down episodes from Season 1 with former cast members - producers - and writers that brought the show to life! They kiss once more until FINN pulls away, panicking. S2 E5 The Rocky Horror Glee Show with Adam Shankman! [ steps out of the tub and begins pulling on her robe.] You know what? The fans finally met Kendra, Terri's obnoxious sister, who had some iconic one-liners, Will delivered an awkward "Gold Digger" rendition, and the Unholy Trinity … I believe in my kids. (To Will) And, also, this song is terrible. Singing kind of makes me a little hungry. You talk a lot more than you should, and to be honest with you, I looked under the bed and made sure that you weren’t hanging out under there. But then I heard you sing. We don’t have time to discuss this. Emma: Oh, no. Will: Aaah! The students erupt into cheers, with the exception of the Cheerios. I- I gotta go to class. You’re so chivalrous. Cut to the Copy Room where Finchel are making copies of their flyer. We’re freaking out. Rachel: Finn was worried about having to perform a solo at the pep assembly in front of his chromosomally challenge friends. Flashes back to Emma siting in her car, crying. Um, and anyway, uh- I have a date. "Glee" Showmance subtítulos. How many Christmas trees will we have in the backyard? First, an announcement. Homecoming court royalty. Rachel: You know, one of the amazing things about being in the performing arts is that you can parlay it into so many different fields. Will pulls into the school parking lot in his car. Girls want sex just as much as guys do. Sue: Would you like to tell Principal Figgins and Mr. Schuester what I caught you two doing? Rachel: I want to be thinner. Cut to Kurt and Mercedes are talking swiftly to themselves in the choir room. Kendra: Anyway, this conversation is over. If we’re gonna succeed, we both need to change our mindsets. But the only image that works for me happened the day my mom took me out to practice for my driver’s permit. You’re having what’s called a hysterical pregnancy. It’s late. Terri: Think of our family, Will. If he doesn’t like you for the way you are, if he’s- You know, he’s married with a baby on the way- That’s not worth the heartache. Rachel is sitting behind Finn in the stands, looking at him with longing. Visit to start your ritual today!Start living care free today with CareFree Breathe pads! Cut to Rachel and Finn sitting in front of Figgin'' desk. All right, I’ll start at the bottom, and then we’ll go up higher. Terri: No. [tosses the pills back to Sue and opens the door.] . Cut to the staff room where Emma is eating her lunch at a table by herself, being careful to clean her grapes before popping them into her mouth. Jenna & Kevin discuss the first Glee episode that tackles the topic of relgion. Why can’t we buy one of those? [tosses a bottle of pills to Will.]. Finn: Can we take a break? Emma: No. Kurt & Brittany?? This Glee screencap might contain sign, poster, text, chalkboard, family room, and kitchen. Cut to Will sitting in the choir room by the piano with a CD player next him. Rachel: You know what? Cut to Will and Sue are sitting before Figgins’ sdesk. Quinn: Down the hall. I mean, we don’t need a grand foyer to be happy. Kurt (annoyed): No, it’s the song. Check them out at Amazon – Walmart – CVS – or your local grocery store!Download Best Fiends FREE on the Apple App Store or Google Play! Finn: Let her talk. I’m not sure what he meant by that since he burned ours down once after a drunken fight with Mom. All right. Kendra (To Terri):Well, I just don’t understand where you’re planning on putting the nursery. This egg is sunny-side up, Will. [walks over to her desk and retrieves a book, displaying the cover to Will.] I don’t know a lot about relationships. I mean, teaching here and coaching Glee Club – It’s where I belong. You do with your depressing little group of kids what I did with my wealthy, elderly mother. Featured Songs: Don't Go Breaking My Heart - River Deep / Mountain High - Le Jazz Hot! Will: Energy, guys! We’re bombarded with sexual imagery every day- Beer ads, those short skirts. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I get that it is there podcast but their characters on the show were more about supporting the other main storylines. It’s gonna be okay, baby. Rachel: I’ll press charges if that happens. Terri: I don’t want my baby to grow an extra arm just because I live in squalor and I’m so stressed. Sue: Let me be the one to break the silence. I found these new disinfecting bleach wipes. Will: How about they just pay for the copies? Terri: Uh, I want you to give up being a janitor. First of all, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you! I’m serious. No, I’m not really, um, comfortable with- with that. [ walks past him towards the door]. We had fun. Brittany S Pierce herself HEATHER MORRIS drops by to chat with Jenna & Kevin about the Season 2 event episode Britney/Brittany!! The Realtor leads Terri and Will through the house. Santana rolls her eyes. We don’t need a new house. Aired May 2009 - March 2015. Terri: There’s my man. Our neighbors are filing a lawsuit. You lied to me. No, I- I can’t do the solo, Mr. Schue. van Showmance: Glee Recap Edition with Kevin McHale and Jenna Ushkowitz - geen downloads nodig. added by vaiolet90. Cut to an empty classroom at night.Will dressed in his janitor uniform, is scraping gum from the bottom of a desk. I was immediately concerned by his lack of self-esteem and made a creative preemptive strike. It’s time. We’re going to bring this club down from within. … Sue: Well, let me help you out then. Puck & Mercedes?? Now, I can tell you all about how great Glee is, but, uh, I think I’m gonna let some friends of mine show you instead. Terri (chuckles): Come with me. They are paired off, one boy and one girl, with a balloon for each pair. Quinn: I’m sure you’ve read about this in the school paper. [gathers his things and walks to the door.]. Rachel (voice-over): It was a twofold plan. 102. All: It’s all about the teasing, and not about the pleasing. I don’t want to see it. Quinn: The Celibacy Club is now in session. Puck: Are you kidding? just gets a bit boring after a while. - With You I'm Born Again - Lucky - Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy!Start living care free today with CareFree Breathe pads! Communication is the foundation of any successful music group. Because we’re gonna give them what they want. Finn and I have been an item for a while now. Kendra: No, you can’t. I thought you’d be asleep. I’ve tried to listen to podcasts before, and they never worked for me. TerriI (To herself): It’s my very own Sophie’s choice. Mercedes: Hey, Mr. Schue. Will: I love it, Terri, but we still can’t afford everything. [Will stifles a chuckle.] 1. She lights a candle on the table. This is a joke. Cut to Finn is driving with his mother, Carole, in the passenger seat. Will: You- You made dinner. Terri: I have a question about the trees. Will touches his finger to Emma's nose, leaving behind a smudge of dust. We’re gonna be fine. Doctor: It’s probably from eating. I tried it and failed and won’t ever attempt it again. Cut to Will walking down the hall and turns to address a student. Rachel: I understand why you’d be threatened. You’re clear. The toilets are broken again. Uh, you’re not pregnant. Everything’s gonna work out. You can sing with him. Figgins is standing at a microphone in front of the stage. Sue: Lady Justice wept today. Figgins: Sue, we’re in a recession, and concessions must be made. And you know what that makes me? Nonton Glee - English Teen tv series on Disney+ Hotstar now. Puck and another Jock, the culprits, high five each other as they walk away. Oh, and, uh, here’s a list of the songs that we’re allowed to sing. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do. Rachel looks at him with concern. I should never have pushed disco so hard. Everything else is à la carte. Santana, Sue, and Quinn are horrified, but Figgins and Emma appear to be enjoying themselves. [ gets up and walks over to the chalkboard, collecting some chalk dust from the ledge with the tip of his finger.]. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. It’s supposed to smell pretty nice. Hey, don’t be late for rehearsal this afternoon. Well, here’s what I think. Their choreography is lewd and suggestive. Will: All right, guys. And up and out and down. Emma- What are you doing here so late? What are you gonna do? [sets the ultrasound equipment aside and sits down.]. We’ll turn my craft room into a nursery. First half hour we separate, then we come together to share our faith. And, you know, he makes things like shirts and belts. Capítulo 1x02 de Glee: Showmance. Cuts to the exterior of the shcools parking lot on a bright sunny day. When I found this podcast I thought-what fun. Rachel: I have another idea for the assembly. Visit www.Audible.c...– Ouça o Glee Tour 2010 with Megan Doyle & Telly Kousakis! I got a Celibacy Club meeting. Puck: Yeah! (to her husband) Where are you going? Finn: Wow. Rachel: Thanks, Finn. We’re gonna show at regionals. Okay, I’m done talking now.[leaves]. Will: You’ve been scrubbing that pencil sharpener for an hour. It is raining heavily outside. So what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t support him? They stare into each others eyes. We have a treat for you guys today. 39.9k Followers, 15 Following, 159 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kevin and Jenna (@showmancepodcast) So, I want you to run any and all tests you have. [exits, leaving behind a saddened Rachel.]. Your big gay beard. Will: Have you thought about- I don’t know- maybe seeing someone about that? She looks at him despondently. Realtor: Welcome to your little slice of the American dream. Kurt: Wait. Okay? Still, it is a productive way for us guys to get together and talk about sexual issues. I will not be treated like a second-class citizen because of my gender. Sue: That copy machine is for Cheerios use only. She turns as SUE, making an “I’m watching you” gesture, passes by. Mercedes: You know what, if your hair was longer, you’d have curls. We’re doing the assembly and you’re not putting up those flyers. All right? Emma stands at the top of the stairs, looking at her watch before rounding the corner. If you’re meant to get pregnant, it’ll happen. But we need some recruits to join the party. You can dance with him. It’s disco. It’s a terrible idea. Cut to Quinn and a group of other Cheerios are sitting at a long table on one side of a classroom. Go to to find your perfect-fitting bra and get 15% off your first purchase!Download Best Fiends FREE on the Apple App Store or Google Play!Get a quote online at in as little as 5 minutes and see how much you could be saving!Spotlight Series: Dr. Amber M Johnson -- 1st Black Woman PhD in 1st Computer Science program in the US from Purdue -- Founder of @TheKidultlife -an inspirational apparel line -- Featured Songs: EMPIRE STATE OF MIND - TELEPHONE - BILLIONAIRE - LISTEN - WHAT I DID FOR LOVE! I work hard. There are six of you. Will: No problem. En este análisis encontrarás spoilers del episodio 1x02 e incluso de episodios anteriores. Isn’t it beautiful? ‘Cause you’re dressed like a janitor, and your shirt says “Will.”. Spanish teacher Will Schuester parks his car, which has a loose exhaust pipe, and then walks passed several members of the football team, including Finn Hudson and Noah "Puck" Puckerman, surrounding flamboyant student Kurt Hummelby the dumpster. You’re cool, Rachel. If we’re gonna succeed, we need to communicate. Artie: Mr. Schue, we’d really like to not do disco at the assembly. Quinn: We are in line to be the most popular kids in the school over the next couple years. Look, I screwed up too. Cuts to Emma steping out of a stall in the girl's room, gingerly holding her hands in the air as she approaches the sinks. ‘Cause I was at the local library, where I read Cheerleading Today aloud to blind geriatrics, and I came across this little page-turner. I need eyes on the inside. There is a very clear bureaucracy when it comes to photocopies, and you seem to think that these procedures don’t apply to your students. We have no choice or the club is over. Oh, you got a little Cosmo right-[ reaches out and wipes his thumb slowly across Rachel's upper lip.]. Glee Tour 2011 with Megan Doyle & Telly Kousakis! That’s a good thing, right? Figgins: Silence, children. Good. Glee, Glee (TV Program), Glee (Musical Genre), Performance. Terri: I’m not raising my baby in a used house. Finn (voice-over) :I’m still on the fence about the Celibacy Club. I'm a gleek! I’m really happy when I’m performing. Prettier, like that Quinn girl. She angles a small mirror in her hand to watch the exchange behind her. Quinn: God bless the perv that invented these. You asked for it! Will: Um, Terri and I are trying to buy a house and we’re, you know, struggling to make ends meet, and- (sighs) I’m really embarrassed. Ahead, the Glee trivia you didn't know you needed ... Chris Colfer told that stories about his life would wind up in his scripts. Kurt: You need to call me before you dress yourself. Like Justin Timberlake- He’s a singer, but he also has a clothing line. It all happened so fast. Emma: Oh, no. Sue: I resent being told to hold on to anything, William. Kendra’s three sons are running around the table, screaming continuously and causing damage. Finn appears terrified. I’ll walk you through it. I demand your resignation from this school as well as the disbanding of Glee Club. Hmm. Just like watching “watch what happens live” after the housewives shows. Presenting you with an opportunity to compromise yourself? When I was a little girl, it was my dream to work on a dairy farm. Quinn (To Rachel): Eavesdrop much? Maybe you could find some recruits. It’s a tulip festival down at the Columbus Convention Center. That craft room is the only thing that’s gonna keep you from going all Susan Smith on that little angel. Emma: Well, I mean, I have- I have a little trouble with messes, but it’s not like it’s a problem. It’s a compromise that I want to make. Will: Any problem with me taking over one of those nighttime janitorial slots? Ken: What are you doing? Please don’t kick us off the Cheerios. Glee ran for six seasons showcasing song, dance, and teen romance. Would you mind keeping this between us? [turns to walk away and two slushies are promptly thrown in her face]. PLUS: Kevin & Jenna recount watching this episode with the cast of FULL HOUSE!! And that- That is what Glee is supposed to be about. Will: Thanks, Rach, but I already got one picked out. Rachel smiles at Finn who looks at Will fearfully. Rachel: Doing that song is gonna kill any chance the Glee Club has. Doctor: Um- Don’t quite know how to put this.