The kernel ruptures and forcefully expands, allowing the contents to expand, cool, and finally set in a popcorn puff 20 to 50 times the size of the original kernel. Both products are good for health. Hi Lisa, i love that darling photo. It is no secret that food is the ultimate medicine that can keep the heart and other organs going. The top grains for zinc (an important immune-booster) are: wild rice, rye, amaranth, oats, and quinoa. Since corn starch is made from corn and only contains carbohydrates (no protein), it is a gluten-free product. 1. Because of the high fiber content, it can aid with digestion. Recent research has demonstrated that patients with gluten sensitivity may also react to the glutens in corn and rice. Last March 22, 2014, I attended the launch of Rico Corn Rice through a family-oriented event at Clawdaddy’s in BGC. I then thinly slice red onion and pop that on top of the tomato paste, followed by bean sprouts or alfalfa. Rico is a breakthrough new innovation. I’m glad I’ve discovered a healthy and yummy rice alternative — Rico Corn Rice. 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Corn Maize. This study published in the journal, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, analyzed the amino acid sequences in corn and compared them to the sequences found in gluten molecules. If we compare the nutritional value of each of them in raw form, then rice contains more basic nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) per 100g. Healthy Eyes. Corn has several health benefits. Some strains of corn (Zea mays) are cultivated specifically as popping corns. Don't let the sweet taste fool you. HEALTH BENEFITS OF CORN. The top five grains for iron are: quinoa, amaranth, oats, enriched rice, millet and barley. Corn starch, sometimes referred to as Corn flour, cornstarch, maize starch and maizena, is a carbohydrate extracted from the endosperm of corn.It is ground from the endosperm or white heart, of the corn kernel. As for the rice side of the equation, white rice, the type usually served with beans, is often enriched with some B vitamins. The Zea mays variety everta, a special kind of flint corn, and is commonly used for making of pop corns. Corn contains carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin. Corn is typically yellow, but comes in a variety of other colors such as red, orange, blue, white, cream, pink, purple, brown and black. Continued Corn Health Benefits. A nutritious diet, filled with the right kind of elements will definitely help prevent many diseases from taking form. Baby corn is particularly popular in Thai and Chinese cooking. It also has some iron and about 2 grams of protein per half-cup cooked. I top rice cakes with tomato paste which i know sounds odd, but is actually yummy, and some tomato pastes have different flavourings like garlic or herbs. It’s a vitamin fortified, rice-shaped corn. (Buckwheat may contain a small amount of gluten.) Gluten-free grains are: corn, rice, soy.